Do you hear the people sing? Dalle piazze e dalle vie
Singing a song of angry men?un nuovo canto si alza gia'
It is the music of a peoplequello di un popolo ribelle
Who will not be slaves again!che domanda liberta' .
When the beating of your heart Cresce al ritmo dei mortai
Echoes the beating of the drumssopra gli accordi di un'idea
There is a life about to startcanta di un mondo che vedrai,
When tomorrow comes! Presto nascera'
Will you join in our crusade?Con la gente per le strade
be strong and stand with me?vieni a batterti anche tu
Beyond the barricade Is there a quelle barricate
a world you long to see? che si innalzano laggiu'
Then join in the fightPer poi dire insieme
That will give you the right todi no alle catene
be free! mai piu
Do you hear the people sing? Dalle piazze e dalle vie
Singing a song of angry men?un nuovo canto si alza gia'
It is the music of a peoplee' il nostro grido d'uguaglianza
Who will not be slaves again!fratellanza e liberta'
When the beating of your heartcresce come la marea
Echoes the beating of the drumsrapido ovunque volera'
There is a life about to startspinto dal vento d'un'idea
When tomorrow comes! tutto cambiera'
Will you give all you can giveTienti pronto ad avanzare
our banner may advancecontro ad ogni avversita'
Some will fall and some will live Willdando tutto per portare
you stand up and take your chance?lo stendardo un po piu in la!
The blood of the martyrsdel sangue versato
Will water the meadows la Francia a te grata
Of France!sara'
Do you hear the people sing? Dalle piazze e dalle vie
Singing a song of angry men?un nuovo canto si alza gia'
It is the music of a peoplee' il nostro grido d'uguaglianza
Who will not be slaves again!fratellanza e liberta'
When the beating of your heartcresce come la marea
Echoes the beating of the drumsrapido ovunque volera'
There is a life about to startspinto dal vento d'un'idea
When tomorrow comes! tutto cambiera'
tomorrow comes! Sì, cambiera'
Per i curiosi, il confronto tra l'originale e la prima traduzione in inglese.....
A la volonté du peuple --Do you hear the people sing?
Et à la santé du progrès --Singing a song of angry men?
Remplis ton coeur d'un vin rebelle --It is the music of a people
Et à demain ami fidèle --Who will not be slaves again!
Nous voulons faire la lumière --When the beating of your heart
Malgré le masque de la nuit --Echoes the beating of the drums
Pour illuminer notre terre --There is a life about to start
Et changer la vie --When tomorrow comes!
Il faut gagner à la guerre --Will you join in our crusade?
Notre sillon à labourer --Who will be strong and stand with me?
Déblayer la misèrE --Beyond the barricade Is there
Pour les blonds épis de la paix --a world you long to see?
Qui danseront de joie --Then join in the fight
Au grand vent de la liberté --That will give you the right! to
- --be free
A la volonté du peuple --Do you hear the people sing?
Et à la santé du progrès --Singing a song of angry men?
Remplis ton coeur d'un vin rebelle --It is the music of a people
Et à demain ami fidèle --Who will not be slaves again!
Nous voulons faire la lumière --When the beating of your heart
Malgré le masque de la nuit --Echoes the beating of the drums
Pour illuminer notre terre --There is a life about to start
Et changer la vie --When tomorrow comes!
A la volonté du peuple --Will you give all you can give
Je fais don de ma volonté --So that our banner may advance
S'il faut mourir pour elle --Some will fall and some will live
Moi je veux être le premier --you stand up and take your chance?
Le premier nom gravé --The blood of the martyrs
Au marbre du monument --Will water the meadows