Enhancing Human Capacities passa in rassegna i progressi scientifici nel settore del potenziamento umano (cognitivo, affettivo, fisico e longevista) e li esamina sia dal punto di vista etico che da quello politico. Dan Brock, Professore di Medical Ethics a Harvard ha descritto il volume come la miglior raccolta disponibile di scritti sul potenziamento umano. Un'opera che chiarisce sia gli aspetti scientifici che quelli etici e politici - "un'indispensabile contributo al dibattito."
Includo una selezione di articoli che mi sembrano particolarmente interessanti, dal lunghissimo Table of Contents:
- Enhancement, Autonomy and Authenticity (Niklas Juth).
- Breaking Evolution's Chains: The Promise of Enhancement by Design (Russell Powell and Allen Buchanan).
- Introduction: Cognition Enhancement--Upgrading the Brain (Anders Sandberg).
- The Social and Economic Impacts of Cognitive Enhancement (Anders Sandberg and Julian Savulescu).
- Smart Policy: Cognitive Enhancement in the Public Interest (Nick Bostrom and Rebecca Roache).
- What's In a Name- ADHD and the Grey Area Between Treatment and Enhancement (Maartje Schermer and Ineke Bolt).
- Is Mood Enhancement a Legitimate Goal of Medicine? (Bengt Brülde).
- Physical Enhancement – The State of the Art (Andy Miah).
- Physical Enhancement: What Baseline, Whose Judgement? (SørenHolm and Mike McNamee).
- Le Tour and Failure of Zero Tolerance: Time to Relax Doping Controls (Julian Savulescu and Bennett Foddy).
- Can a Ban on Doping in Sport be Morally Justified? (Sigmund Loland).
- Looking for the Fountain of Youth: Scientific, Ethical and Social Issues in the Extension of Human Lifespan (Gaia Barazzetti).
- Is Living Longer Living Better? (Larry Temkin).
- Life Extension versus Replacement (Gustaf Arrhenius).
- Lifespan Extension and Personal Identity (Gaia Barazetti and Massimo Reichlin).
- Unfit for the Future?: Human Nature, Scientific Progress and the Need for Moral Enhancement (Ingmar Persson and Julian Savulescu).