Magazine Cucina
English Version I like honey that doesn’t crystallize because I like it fluid and smooth ready to be spread on bread for breakfast or I like to use it in sweet dishes.
Andrea loves wildflower honey that becomes solid and grainy and I fight with it every time I open the jar.
The solution? It’s to make a spreadable creamed honey with the wildflower variety we buy at the farmer's market. Usually we buy the large half a kilo jar and we use it often for breakfast, to make the honey lemon and ginger concoction we put in boiling water and drink to soothe our sore throats, to add to a bowl of excellent greek yogurt with walnuts or almonds, for a healthy and tasty dessert or to spread on hot toast. We back again to the spreadability issue of crystallized honey. Here's how to solve the problem.
Equal amounts of liquid and crystallized honey.
To make liquid honey form crystallized one just gently heat it by putting it into a saucepan over very low heat, stir occasionally and when liquid remove it from the fire. I put the warm or cooled down liquid honey in a blender, add the same amount of crystallized honey and blend for a few minutes until I got an almost white colored and very fluid creamed honey. That's it. Now just transfer your honey to a clean jar and is ready to be spread. It’ll not crystallize anymore and it will be smooth and velvety, in time it'll thicken a bit,but it'll stay spreadable. It didn’t take much, did it?
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