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Literary Google Doodles

Da Lauramint

Literary Google Doodles

Luigi Pirandello's 145th birthday (June 28, 2012)

Qualche giorno fa Google ha dedicato un simpaticissimo Doodle al 145° compleanno di Luigi Pirandello e mi ha così dato lo spunto di fare una ricerchina sui vari Doodle dedicati agli scrittori... di seguito potete vederne il risultato! :-)  Qual è il vostro preferito?  QUI potete vedere e cercare tutta la collezione dei vari Google Doodle! Magari anche voi farete una vostra ricerca su un qualche argomento adesso? Fatemelo sapere :-) Some days ago Google dedicated a very nice Doodle to Luigi Pirandello's (famous Italian writer) 145th birthday and gave me the idea to make a research about the Doodles dedicated to writers... below you can find its output! :-) Which one is your favourite? HERE you can find the whole Google Doodle collection! Maybe you are going to make a research on your own now? Let me know! :-) Vor einigen Tagen hat Google ein nettes Doodle dem 145. Geburtstag von Luigi Pirandello (dem berühmten italienischen Schriftsteller) gewidmet und so bin ich auf die Idee gekommen eine kleine Suche der Doodles zu machen, die Google bisher Schriftstellern gewidmet hat... unten könnt ihr das Ergebnis der Recherche betrachten! :-) Welches ist euer Lieblingsdoodle? HIER könnt ihr die ganze Google Doodle Sammlung finden! Werdet ihr jetzt vielleicht auch eine kleine Suche über irgendetwas machen? Sagt mir Bescheid! :-)

Literary Google Doodles

Jane Austen's 235th birthday (December 16, 2010)


Literary Google Doodles

Oscar Wilde's 156th birthday (October 16, 2010)


Literary Google Doodles

Cesar Vallejo's 120th birthday (March 16, 2012)


Literary Google Doodles

Charles Addam's 100th birthday (January 7, 2012)


Literary Google Doodles

Agnyia Barto's 106th birthday (February 17, 2012)


Literary Google Doodles

Miguel de Cervantes' birthday (September 29, 2008)


Literary Google Doodles

Charles Dickens' 200th birthday (February 7, 2012)


Literary Google Doodles

Agatha Christie's 120th birthday (September 15, 2010)


Literary Google Doodles

Fernando Pessoa's 123rd birthday (June 13, 2011)


Literary Google Doodles

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe's 262nd birthday (August 28, 2011)


Literary Google Doodles

H. G. Wells' birthday (September 21, 2009)


Literary Google Doodles

Italo Calvino's 88th birthday (October 15, 2011)


Literary Google Doodles

Jean de la Fontaine's 390th birthday (July 8, 2011)


Literary Google Doodles

Jorge Luis Borges' 112th bithday (August 24, 2011)


Literary Google Doodles

Karen Blixen's 125th birthday (Out of Africa) (April 17, 2010)


Literary Google Doodles

Hyo-seok Lee's birthday (February 23, 2012)

Literary Google Doodles

Mary Blair's 100th birthday (October 21, 2011)


Literary Google Doodles

Mary Shelley's 213th birthday (August 30, 2010)


Literary Google Doodles

Alfred de Musset's birthday (December 11, 2011)


Literary Google Doodles

Nazik Al Malaika's birthday (August 23, 2011)


Literary Google Doodles

Pablo Neruda's birthday (July 12, 2009)


Literary Google Doodles

Alessandro Manzoni's 227th birthday (March 7, 2012), view my previous post about Manzoni's birthday HERE

Literary Google Doodles

Alessandro Manzoni's birthday (March 7, 2010)

Literary Google Doodles

Carlo Collodi (Anniversary of the publication of Pinocchio) (July 7, 2009)


Literary Google Doodles

Joachim Ringelnatz's birthday (August 7, 2008)


Literary Google Doodles

Jean Jacques Rousseau's 300th birthday (June 28, 2012(


Literary Google Doodles

Sunthorn Phu's 224th birthday (June 26, 2010)


Literary Google Doodles

Mark Twain's 176th birthday (November 30, 2011)


Literary Google Doodles

Jules Verne 183rd birthday (February 8, 2011)


Literary Google Doodles

Yun Dong-ju's birthday (December 30, 2011)


Literary Google Doodles

May Ziadè's 126th birthday (February 11, 2012)


Literary Google Doodles

Astrid Lindgren (Pippi Longstocking's 65th birthday) (November 26, 2010)

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