

English version below

E' la prima volta che ci capita di recensire uno street food temporaneo, nel senso che potrete trovare Mozao da Eataly accanto al forno solo fino alla fine di febbraio. Loro in genere li trovate a bordo di una deliziosa apetta Piaggio "La Bruna" e sono degni rappresentanti di quello che viene definito street food itinerante. Negli ultimi tempi si è assistito al sorgere e al proliferare di questa forma di take away alquanto originale e simpatica,lo testimonia il fatto che vengono organizzati eventi quali Bee Happy Fest.

Antica Tigella di Terracotta
L'impatto della tigella è morbido ma più spesso della piadina o della focaccia, non lascia nessuna noiosa patina o sentore mollicoso. Come farcitura ci ha conturbato molto la tigella chiamata "Mirandola" con spuma di mortadella e pomodorini secchi. L'apetta, seppure parcheggiata idealmente fuori Eataly, richiama alla memoria i tempi in cui si ballava geghegèDA NON PERDERE: Tigelle per tutti i gusti!!!
Tigella oggi
English version below

As long as we have a chance to embark upon a new adventure, there's nothing that's going to stop us. So, the post today is a sort of experiment that involves, for the first time, a BEST BEFORE shop. Yeah, that's it: this post is valid only until the end of this month. And the reason why it is, is that this "shop" is a temporary parlour located just outside Eataly. Not so hard to spot it, we guess, given his nature. The little one is actually an Ape Piaggio, a little vehicle that is often used by street vendours, especially greengrocers, and that we commonly see in food markets. Their Ape is called La Bruna, and Mozao is the name of the little shop inside.
Mozao concept is almost a revolutionary one. They travel all around the city, bringing their food whenever they find the right space to stop for a while - and they even come to you, if you call them! More than street food, we would rather define it as street food on the road. Their offer consists of basically one offer: tigelle. The "tigella" is a round, small focaccia-like snack, topped with tasty ingredients. The dough is traditionally a mixture of flour, liquid cream, yeast and water, a combination that creates a smooth, light textured dough, with a neutral taste that goes well with almost everything. The tigelle were born in the area of Modena, therefore the toppings are also typical of the area. The most traditional one is the "pesto modenese", chopped lardo with garlic and rosemary, with parmesan cheese and a splash of balsamic vinegar. Also very good is the mortadella mousse one, with sundried tomatoes. And if you are afraid of missing your favourite tigella this month, there's no reason to worry... Look for the Ape called La Bruna, they'll be waiting for you somewhere else!
The perfect soundtrack: the Ape make us think of the good old times when everybody was dancing like this!
Mozao highlights: la tigella!