Sopra: Documentario completo in spagnolo composto da 4 cortometraggi del 2010-2011 sulla migrazione CantroAmerica-Messico-Stati Uniti e i suoi milioni di protagonisti “invisibili”. Per chi volesse vederlo coi sottotitoli in inglese riporto sotto le 4 parti sottotitolate. Segnalo bel reportage in spagnolo: La migración en la Ruta del Sur LINK

Cada año, decenas de miles de personas dejan atrás sus hogares en Centroamérica y atraviesan México como migrantes irregulares. Viajan con la esperanza de llegar a Estados Unidos y de ver cumplida allí la promesa de trabajo y de una nueva vida. Pero con demasiada frecuencia sus sueños se convierten en pesadillas al afrontar uno de los viajes más peligrosos del mundo. El actor y productor mexicano, Gael García Bernal en colaboración con Amnistía Internacional, ha grabado un viaje lleno de abusos, secuestros, violaciones e incluso asesinatos a través de cuatro cortos, llamados Los Invisibles.
Parte I – Sottotitoli in inglese
At the start of their journey people are filled with hope of reaching the USA such as the young girl travelling with her family who dreams of visiting Seaworld. Filmed at a migrant shelter in southern Mexico, this film reveals the dangers that await them.
Parte II – Sottotitoli in inglese
Gael García Bernal talks to three women from Honduras who are travelling in search of a better life for their families. They are taking a huge risk. Six out of ten women who attempt the journey are sexually abused.
Parte III – Sottotitoli in inglese
Relatives in Central America may never know what happened to their loved ones. In El Salvador a mother tells us of her desperation at not knowing where her son is ten years after he left for the USA saying he’d call home in 12 days.
Parte IV – Sottotitoli in inglese
Despite the danger and the risks, the migrants will keep coming. They sleep rough, beg for food and grab lifts by clinging to the outsides of moving freight trains. Many are seriously injured, but there will always be those prepared to brave the journey.