Mandriva, la società che si occupa principalmente dello sviluppo del conosciutissimo Mandriva Linux (ex Linux Mandrake), rischia di chiudere, tra meno di una settimana. Si sa da prima di Natale e, attenzione, sembra non essere una bufala. La scelta di non parlarne già all’epoca della diramazione del comunicato non è stata casuale: non era la prima volta che Mandriva (ex MandrakeSoft) rasentava la bancarotta, anche se poi, in extremis, l’azienda è sempre riuscita a vedere la luce. Questa volta le cose sembrano decisamente più complicate: Dominique Loucougain, capo dell’esecutivo dell’azienda, ha sottolineato che qualora le cose non si fossero sbloccate entro la mezzanotte del 16 Gennaio 2012 non avrebbe esitato a dichiarare bancarotta. Oggi è giorno 10 Gennaio, e di novità non se ne adocchiano nemmeno con la punta di diamante.
Il motivo della chiusura? Il 5 dicembre del 2011, per far “tornare i conti” e preparare un bilancio per il 2012, la società, in accordo con le aziende finanziatrici del progetto Mandriva, aveva avanzato diverse proposte di ricapitalizzazione ai propri azionisti. Peccato che queste proposte siano state bocciate in toto proprio da una delle due aziende azioniste di maggioranza, la compagnia LinLux SARL. Non avevo trovato neanche fonti affidabili, finchè ieri sera – spulcellando per il web – mi sono imbattuta in questo forum e… ho trovato il link relativo alla lettera inviata dallo stesso Loucougain ai suoi azionisti. Lettera che sembra autentica, e che vi riporto pari pari qui sotto:
Dear shareholders,
I regret to inform you that none of the recapitalization schemes that were proposed at the meeting of shareholders on December 5 was accepted.
The company LinLux SARL, a shareholder holding 42% stake in the company has again voted against each of the schemes proposed recapitalization.
As a reminder, during the meeting of September 30 you were invited to vote on a proposed recapitalization of the company. The company SARL LinLux voting against this proposal was rejected. Having taken note of the arguments made by this shareholder, namely the absence of a contract between our company and the company ROSA, Mandriva has finalized and signed a contract with ROSA. The Executive Board then proposed the conveing of a new General Assembly dated December 5, 2011 to allow the recapitalization of the company. Given the critically of the situation, we asked a judicial officier, Mr. Reginal Parker, to attend the meeting. I would hold you with the PV as soon as it becomes available. The proposed recapitalization alternative were:
- capital increase of 4.000.000 euros reserved for two main shareholders (Townarea Trading & Investments Limited and LinLux SARL) and reduction of capital of 6.3 milion euros carried by the two shareholders, or
- in case of refusal of one of the two main shareholders, the capital increase of 4.000.000 euros was reserved only to the shareholders who have subscribed to the capital increase and the reduction of capital of 6.4 milion euros was supported by the two main shareholders
Have repeatedly stressed the vital importance of this funding from two major shareholders, we do not doubt that at least one of the recapitalization schemes would be approved.
Indeed, on the one hand, the contract with the ROSA was signed and on the other hand, Townarea Trading & Investments Limited had indicated that it would subscribe to te he capital increase to be adopted.
However, during the meeting held on 5 dDecember, the company SARL LinLux again voted against the proposed recapitalization. The rejection of any proposed recapitalization from LinLux SARL is even less justified:
- The recapitalization of the company is an absolute necessity in the interest of the company, employeses and shareholders and discussing since several months;
- Townarea trading & Investments Limited had agreed to support alone the capital increase (4.000.000 euros)
- Recapitalization schemes proposed were fair because:
- the capital reduction was supported by the two major shareholders in proportion to their participation;
- the “small shareholders” could have benefited from the recapitalization of the company without having to provide funds
This is particularly unfortunate that the efforts we all made within the company in the recent months are finally starting to increase our sales, particularly in Brazil. Thus, new contracts were concluded with the Ministry of Education of Brazil November 23,2011.
In addition, the company Townarea expressly informed our Company that if the proposed recapitalization would be rejected again, it could not continue funding alone beyond January. Specifically, this means that if, during the month of January, the Company did not find adeguate finasncing solutions, I will have to declare the bankruptcy of our compagny which will lead to the liquidation of our Company.
So I wanted to inform you, dear shareholders, that without permanent funding solution for our company before January 16th 2011 at noon, I will declare bankruptcy.
I remain at your disposal for any questions you may have. I put at your disposal the following the address:
Dominique Loucougain
Sembrerebbe del tutto autentica, anche se mi lascia un po’ perplessa la data della bancarotta, che corrisponde con il 16 Gennaio… ma del 2011! Sembrerebbe un probabile errore di battitura, visto che Mr. Loucougain è capo dell’esecutivo soltanto da 6 mesi e che la lettera è datata 23 Dicembre 2011. Staremo a vedere.
In tutti i casi, qui (pag. 1) e qui (pag. 2) potrete trovare le scansioni della lettera che vi ho riportato.
Direi che, se la notizia corrispondesse al vero, quelli di Mageia (distribuzione fork di Mandriva) ci hanno visto giusto…