Per fortuna, nello studio ho tanti arcobaleni, sempre pronti... acquerelli, pastelli, gouache e pennarelli ed è divertente combinare insieme le tecniche. Giocando si impara, dice un proverbio italiano.
Playing you learn ...Gouache,Watercolor, Soft Pastels (Conté e Rembrandt), abit of white Vodka
on gessoed cardboard .
Giocando si impara ... Pastelli Gouache watercolor ed un po' di Vodka bianca su cartone gessato
Uno schizzo essenziale prima del mio cocktail di medium
A sketch essential, before my cocktail of mediums
Ho scoperto che il pastello permette quei piccoli pentimenti e quelle mutazioni che mi lasciano più libera durante l'azione creativa, favorendo quella certa temerarietà che fa parte del mio modo di usare i colori .*******Now the weather changed suddenly ... the gray dominates the days and I wish the light and vibrant colors.
In my studio there are plenty of rainbows available ... watercolors, pastels, markers and gouache.
"Playing you learn" says an italian motto.
First marks and spots over sketch with gouache and some transparents watercolors
Primi segni e macchie sopra lo schizzo con gouache ed alcuni acquerelli trasparenti
I like to re-use the heavy cardboard (usually gray) that remains after I finished the blocks of watercolor paper, creating experimental surfaces.
This summer I tried to paint gray cardboard mixing gesso and pumice, with micaceous particles, so now is time to experiment.
A vase with flowers obtained from the primary colors in my book from Jean Carbonetti, inspired my quick sketch which I then painted freely marks and spots, with gouache and some transparent watercolor.
I loved the combination of watercolor, gouache and pastel, doing it quickly, like a nice play.
The creativity unleashed is a great antidote to gray days ... I used Conté pastels and Rembrandt to soften the hard lines of the markers ... a bit of white vodka to melt pastel and watercolor together.
I have always greatly admired the floral pastel-painted by Odilon Redon, so rich in colorful and bright, so this study, between Jeanne Carbonetti, Odilon Redon and my cocktail of various mediums was very useful to learn the reactions of combined materials, looking for future creative possibilities.
Il mio asciugacapelli da viaggio per riccioli rompe il getto e asciuga senza spostare il colore in modo brusco. Una scoperta recente!!!....My travel hairdryer for curls breaks the stream of air gently and dries without moving the color in an undesired way. A recent discovery !!!
Watercolors (or watermedia) combined with pastels allow those little regrets and those mutations that leave me more free during the creative action, favoring some temerity of my way to use colors.