Magazine Lifestyle

MFI@Youth Fashion Summit 2014 in Copenhagen!

Creato il 26 gennaio 2014 da Frantrospective
MFI@Youth Fashion Summit 2014 in Copenhagen!Le conferme sono arrivate: gli studenti del Milano Fashion Institute parteciperanno all'iniziativa Youth Fashion Summit, parte del Copenaghen Fashion Summit 2014 che si svolgerà a Copenaghen dal 22 al 24 aprile. L'esperienza permetterà di acquisire delle conoscenze approfondite sulle diverse tematiche creative e di business relative alla moda responsabile, a fare networking e a proporre idee innovative di come le aziende moda possano essere più responsabili.
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Stay tuner per i racconti dell'evento!
MFI@Youth Fashion Summit 2014 in Copenhagen!The confirmations just arrived: the students of Milano Fashion Institute will participate to the Youth Fashion Summit initiative, part of the 2014 Copenhagen Fashion Summit that will take place in Copanhagen from April 22 till 24. The experience will allow the students to gather knowledge about the different creative and business topics around responsible fashion, to do networking and suggest innovative ideas on how the companies can be more responsible.
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Stay tuned for the storytelling of the event!

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