![MFW: Maison Ireri Garden Collection SS 2015 MFW: Maison Ireri Garden Collection SS 2015](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/254/2544770/mfw-maison-ireri-garden-collection-ss-2015-L-ub6g4u.jpeg)
Poetici, incantevoli ed ornamentali i fiori a cui si ispira Maison Ireri sbocciano idealmente, come rappresentazioni mentali, sia sui modelli must che sulle novità. Nomi che raccontano con la mente e non con gli occhi. Che evocano contenuti e valori essenziali. Che ci invitano a guardare con l’anima prima che con lo sguardo. Un bouquet concettuale che racchiude sentori di charme mischiati ad una raffinata grazia made in Italy. La rinascita dell’art nouveau fiorisce trasportata dalla bellezza senza mode e tempo dei dettami sartoriali di Maison Ireri che ribadisce l'impegno del brand a portare avanti la tradizione pellettiera fiorentina avvalorandone l’esclusiva e pregiata fattezza. Borse dall’allure regale e preziosa che richiedono una settimana di lavorazione. L’aspirazione è la bellezza immortale. Un orto botanico esclusivo dove contemplare la classicità e l’eccellenza che sopravvivono nell’eterno fluire temporale.
![MFW: Maison Ireri Garden Collection SS 2015 MFW: Maison Ireri Garden Collection SS 2015](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/254/2544770/mfw-maison-ireri-garden-collection-ss-2015-L-W3N_Of.jpeg)
La concretezza delle forme, la raffinatezza della sartorialità e della sapienza artigianale, la qualità dei materiali, tutto questo è racchiuso nella Maison IRERI. Le sue creazioni sono il frutto magico della passione, dell’amore e dell’abilità di un grande talento, quello di Teresa Chen, appassionata sin da bambina di stoffe, pellami e colori e che sapientemente reinventa, innova, sperimenta con occhi nuovi e con mani d’autore. Teresa Chen nasce a Taiwan e spinta da una grande passione per l’arte, approda a Firenze nel 1990 dove comincia a collaborare con un nome storico della pelletteria toscana, la Limberti. Nel corso degli anni lavora a stretto contatto con stilisti e designer occupandosi sia di prodotto che di stile, ma in lei è sempre più forte il desiderio di un progetto tutto suo ed è così che nel 2008 nasce IRERI il brand di borse haute couture sviluppatosi nella culla dei grandi maestri pellettieri toscani, garanzia di una qualità eccellente . Un nome frutto della fusione dei nomi delle due figlie di Teresa, Irene ed Erica. Tutte le sue creazioni sono realizzate con abilità sartoriale. Borse dall’allure ricercata ed elegante, attenta ed accurata che esprimono l’amore per la bellezza autentica. Un connubio tra arte, tradizione e spinta verso nuovi progetti. Uno stile deciso, delineato da materiali e forme di assoluta finezza con interpretazioni personali ed uniche che fanno della Maison IRERI l’espressione originale dell’artigianalità italiana. Un marchio che nasce, cresce e si nutre nella Firenze dei grandi creatori di opere e manufatti. Che sviluppa e sperimenta una combinazione di stili, emblema di un’attualità eterogenea e dinamica. Borse in pellami pregiati come sculture materiche arricchite da cromatismi e preziosi dettagli e lavorazioni. Modelli che stupiscono per il delicato e raffinato accostamento di pelli, colori e forme. Tutte le borse IRERI vogliono raccontare, come la tela di un pittore, un’idea che nasce da una passione vera e comunicarla attraverso un’esclusiva interpretazione del bello nella sua forma più vera: la semplicità.
![MFW: Maison Ireri Garden Collection SS 2015 MFW: Maison Ireri Garden Collection SS 2015](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/254/2544770/mfw-maison-ireri-garden-collection-ss-2015-L-IpvAYj.jpeg)
EN. A declaration of love by mother nature, which is pleased with its enchanting creatures. Flowers represent genuine beauty, harmony, grace and the achievement of perfection. All the excellent Maison Ireri bags are created with love and passion, like in a chimeric garden, where the flowers stand out as symbols of undying beauty, fully revealing their gentle and kind nature. The bags in the Maison Ireri collection bloom naturally, like flowers, without any tricks, emancipating themselves collection after collection, from the mass tendency of a fleeting fashion world, desiring instead a bond that lasts forever. Like the feeling of pure and disinterested love. Poetic, beautiful and ornamental: the flowers that inspire Maison Ireri bloom in an ideal manner, like mental representations, both in regard to the must items and the new ones. Names that run through your mind and not the superficiality of your eyes. Evoking content and core values, and inviting us to see through our souls before we do so with our eyes. A conceptual bouquet that envelops hints of charm mixed with the refined and elegant grace of the best Italy can produce. The renaissance of art nouveau flourishes and is transported by the ever green beauty of the sartorial choices of Maison Ireri, reiterating the brand’s commitment to continuing the tradition of Florentine leather goods, corroborating its unique and precious features. Precious bags with a regal allure that require a week to be made. Main aspiration here is the immortal beauty. An exclusive botanical garden where you can contemplate classical excellence that survives the eternal flow of time. The substantiality of the shapes, refinement of detail and craftsmanship, as well as quality materials; you will find all of this in the work of Maison IRERI. Her creations are the magical result of passion, love and the ability of a great talent, that of Teresa Chen, who has had a passion, since she was a child, for fabrics, leather and colours, and who cleverly reinvented, innovated and experimented with a fresh viewpoint and the hands of the author’s creations. Teresa Chen was born in Taiwan and driven by a passion for art. She moved to Florence in 1990 where she began working with a historical name in Tuscan leather, the Limberti firm. Over the years she worked closely with stylists and designers dealing with both products and style, but she always had a strong desire for a business of her own and that led to the founding in 2008 of Ireri, the haute couture brand of handbags developed in the cradle of the great masters of Tuscan leather workers, a guarantee of excellent quality. The name of the brand is the result of merging the names of Teresa’s two daughters, Irene and Erica. The IRERI brand boutique is to be found in the splendid setting of Via dei Gondi, close to Piazza della Signoria in Florence, in the historic Palazzo Gondi built in 1490. The boutique is a bright space spanning three rooms dedicated to all three exponents of Tuscan art: the Leonardo, Michelangelo and Raffaello rooms. IRERI creations are made with a high level of tailoring skill. Bags with a refined, elegant, detailed and precise allure that express a love for authentic beauty. A combination of art, tradition and a propulsion towards new projects. A clear style, lined with materials and shapes of absolute finesse, with personal and unique interpretations that make Maison IRERI an original expression of Italian craftsmanship. A brand that was established, grew and was nurtured in the Florence of the great creators of works and artefacts. A brand that develops and tests a combination of styles, an emblem of heterogeneous and dynamic modernity. Handbags made of valuable leather like sculptures of matter enriched with colours, fine details and workmanship. Models that amaze because of the delicate and refined combination of leather, colours and shapes. All IRERI bags wish to convey, like the canvas of a painter, an idea that originates from true passion, communicated through a unique interpretation of beauty in its truest form: simplicity.
![MFW: Maison Ireri Garden Collection SS 2015 MFW: Maison Ireri Garden Collection SS 2015](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/254/2544770/mfw-maison-ireri-garden-collection-ss-2015-L-FZXO5Y.jpeg)
![MFW: Maison Ireri Garden Collection SS 2015 MFW: Maison Ireri Garden Collection SS 2015](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/254/2544770/mfw-maison-ireri-garden-collection-ss-2015-L-Kbkv03.jpeg)
![MFW: Maison Ireri Garden Collection SS 2015 MFW: Maison Ireri Garden Collection SS 2015](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/254/2544770/mfw-maison-ireri-garden-collection-ss-2015-L-QgdVRz.jpeg)
![MFW: Maison Ireri Garden Collection SS 2015 MFW: Maison Ireri Garden Collection SS 2015](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/254/2544770/mfw-maison-ireri-garden-collection-ss-2015-L-xRrLE2.jpeg)
![MFW: Maison Ireri Garden Collection SS 2015 MFW: Maison Ireri Garden Collection SS 2015](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/254/2544770/mfw-maison-ireri-garden-collection-ss-2015-L-Zyg_zm.jpeg)
![MFW: Maison Ireri Garden Collection SS 2015 MFW: Maison Ireri Garden Collection SS 2015](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/254/2544770/mfw-maison-ireri-garden-collection-ss-2015-L-N6azJb.jpeg)
![MFW: Maison Ireri Garden Collection SS 2015 MFW: Maison Ireri Garden Collection SS 2015](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/254/2544770/mfw-maison-ireri-garden-collection-ss-2015-L-mpQGHJ.jpeg)
![MFW: Maison Ireri Garden Collection SS 2015 MFW: Maison Ireri Garden Collection SS 2015](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/254/2544770/mfw-maison-ireri-garden-collection-ss-2015-L-EQpJgv.jpeg)
![MFW: Maison Ireri Garden Collection SS 2015 MFW: Maison Ireri Garden Collection SS 2015](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/254/2544770/mfw-maison-ireri-garden-collection-ss-2015-L-llr6e8.jpeg)
![MFW: Maison Ireri Garden Collection SS 2015 MFW: Maison Ireri Garden Collection SS 2015](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/254/2544770/mfw-maison-ireri-garden-collection-ss-2015-L-1omvtS.jpeg)
![MFW: Maison Ireri Garden Collection SS 2015 MFW: Maison Ireri Garden Collection SS 2015](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/254/2544770/mfw-maison-ireri-garden-collection-ss-2015-L-h5cSdx.jpeg)
![MFW: Maison Ireri Garden Collection SS 2015 MFW: Maison Ireri Garden Collection SS 2015](http://m2.paperblog.com/i/254/2544770/mfw-maison-ireri-garden-collection-ss-2015-L-nADTs1.jpeg)
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