before Ermanno Scervino's fashion show
Buon lunedì a tutti! Come vi avevo preannunciato in questo post, durante la Milano Fashion Week ho provato a scattare alcune foto di street style. Vi chiedo scusa sin da ora per la qualità delle foto: non sono una fotografa e non ho una macchina professionale, ma spero che le foto vi piacciano ugualmente. Un abbraccio :)Hi everyone! As I told you in this post, during Milan Fashion Week I've tried to take street style pictures on my own. Even if I'm not a professional photographer and I don't have a reflex, I hope you'll enjoy them. A big hug :)
Out of Ermanno Scervino's fashion show

After C'N'C Costume National fashion show

Do you remember her?

Tamu McPherson and Elena Nalin
Out of MSGM fashion show. Who needs a fashion shower? :)

Anna Dello Russo

After Dolce & Gabbana fashion show

Viviana Volpicella

Simone Marchetti

Camilla, fashion blogger of paillettesandchampagne

Nicole Warne, fashion blogger of Gary Pepper

Nicole Warne of Gary Pepper and Jessica of Tuula

Anna Wintour

Julia Sarr-Jamois, fashion editor of Wonderland

Elena Nalin

Bryan Boy

Out of Missoni fashion show

Franca Sozzani
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