Magazine Lifestyle

Milan Fashion Week_ on runway and along the streets

Creato il 03 marzo 2012 da Gretamiliani
Milan Fashion Week_ on runway and along the streetsMentre la gente che conta è nella Ville Lumière a godersi le ultime sfilate, ripenso alla Milano Fashion Week, appena conclusasi, e ai trend visti in passerella.
Re indiscusso per la prossima stagione autunno/inverno 2012-13 sarà il nero accompagnato da una palette cromatica scusa: bordeaux, viola, blu notte. Pochi tocchi di colori, ma grande quantità di stampe: floreali, futuristiche, optical. La pelle farà da padrona insieme alla lana e allo chiffon.
Le borse saranno maxi e comode, adatte per ogni momento della giornata; le scarpe avranno il tacco sottile, ma non troppo alto; gli occhiali avranno un ruolo fondamentale. Infine tornano di prepotenza i cappotti a sostituire i piumini: cappe, caban e caldi coats per ripararci dalle intemperie.
Milan Fashion Week_ on runway and along the streets

Milan Fashion Week_ on runway and along the streets


Milan Fashion Week_ on runway and along the streets
Milan Fashion Week_ on runway and along the streets
Milan Fashion Week_ on runway and along the streets

Milan Fashion Week_ on runway and along the streets
Milan Fashion Week_ on runway and along the streets
Milan Fashion Week_ on runway and along the streets
Milan Fashion Week_ on runway and along the streets
Milan Fashion Week_ on runway and along the streets
Milan Fashion Week_ on runway and along the streets
Milan Fashion Week_ on runway and along the streets

Milan Fashion Week_ on runway and along the streets

Viviana Volpicella

Milan Fashion Week_ on runway and along the streets

Alberta Ferretti

Milan Fashion Week_ on runway and along the streets

Milan Fashion Week_ on runway and along the streets

Gianfranco Ferré

Milan Fashion Week_ on runway and along the streets

Giorgio Armani

Milan Fashion Week_ on runway and along the streets


Milan Fashion Week_ on runway and along the streets

Milan Fashion Week_ on runway and along the streets


Milan Fashion Week_ on runway and along the streets

Roberto Cavalli

Milan Fashion Week_ on runway and along the streets

Salvatore Ferragamo

Milan Fashion Week_ on runway and along the streets
Milan Fashion Week_ on runway and along the streets
Milan Fashion Week_ on runway and along the streets

Milan Fashion Week_ on runway and along the streets


Sources: Google,
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