Mischa barton / she is back?

Creato il 24 maggio 2011 da Runaway
She's back ? As many i was completely in love with her when she played the role of the california sweet heart :Marissa. One year ago she looked wasted. I saw her shining on the Cannes red carpet. The former actress was seen wearing a yellow pleated Willow skirt and a MW Matthew Williamson blouse covered with creepy crawlies.E' tornata?Comemoltisono statoinnamorato dileiquando recitavail ruolodel dolcecuore Californiano: MarissaUn annofasembravapersa,poi l'ho vistabrillaresultappetorossodi CannesL'attrice è stata vistaindossare unagonnaa pieghegiallaWillowe una camicettaMWMatthewWilliamsoncopertaconraccapriccianti blatte

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