Magazine Lifestyle
Last thursday I've celebrated my 23rd birthday with my closest friends. I had booked a private table with couches around it at CAINO Caffé Contemporaneo, a lovely lounge bar in Pisa. We had a really funny and nice time laughing, drinking red wine and there was the dj who has wished to me "happy birthday" all night long. I'm really satisfied about my party. I've enjoyed it very much!
Io e la mia amica Beatrice
Me and my friend Beatrice
Tutte le mie bellissime donnine
All my lovely ladies
La torta di compleanno
The birthday cake *yummy*
Leggendo il bigliettino di auguri stupendo che mi hanno scritto. Non vedo l'ora che arrivi il regalo! E' splendido!
Me while I'm reading the greeting card that my friends wrote for me. I can't wait for the birthday gift's arrive! It's gorgeous!
●●●ASOS PETITE black dress with mesh insertsPICARD silver clutch thanks to ZALANDO.ITCHANEL N°455 Lotus Rouge nail polishCHANEL ROUGE ALLURE N°14 Passion lipstick
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