PS Ho scattato queste foto in due giorni diversi con due obiettivi diversi.. La maggior parte, infatti, non è granché ma spero mi perdonerete! :P
As every year, here's my post about the coolest event in Lucca (not that there are so many, eh): the Lucca Comics and Games. The city is filled with stands, people, children and adults dressed up like their hero of films, cartoons, video games. For 4 days we all pretend to be children, playing and joking and live happy atmosphere that only an event like this can give! I love to walk along the city taking pictures with the cosplayers that I like more.. This is my selection! :D My favorite mask? Definitely the last dinner! Hahaha In the end you can also see my outfit for the comics! :P Have fun looking at them! :D Have a nice day!