Oggi vorrei mostrarvi le ultime decorazioniarrivate in casa.......adoro ogni singolooggetto, crea atmosfera ebasta davvero poco per creare un' atmosfera serena....La lanterna tutta arruginita,è un tesoro trovato in unmercatino........appena l'ho vistasgangherata e arruginita mi ha affascinato....chissà cos'ha vissuto...e sopra il baule non potrebbe stare meglio!!Cosa dite vi piace tutto???
Today I want to show the latest decorations in my home ....... I love every objects, creates atmosphere and very little to create a peaceful atmosphere .... The whole rusty lantern, is a treasure found in a flea market ..... ... I'm rusty and vintage fascinated me .... who knows ... what did and lived above the trunk could not be better! What do you think, like everything??
(Photos by Think Shabby, don't use them without my permission)
Magazine Lifestyle
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