Magazine Disegno e Illustrazione
Yeah, you got it.
So next week wil be my brother and me travelling by car. I think we reached some kind of a general idea of what exactly we're going to see/do.
Since we're landing in Oslo on saturday night, we have just one week to see as much as possible, including nature, landscapes, historical areas and of course vikings.
It's all about vikings, folks.
The thing is that, of course, I haven't pack nothing.
Seriously, nothing.
We're leaving in two days and I'm still trying to focus on what to do.
The only thing that I wanted to assure myself was to leave with enough SD cards to shot pictures ( and videos as well! ) and a decent lens.
So today the Amazon guy has come, and my new baby joined the family.
This one.
I've always heard positive thoughts around Tamron AF 55-200mm 4-5,6 Di II LD Macro, despite the fact is entirely made in plastic ( also the bayonet, which is something that could make most of the professional photographers avoiding this lens ).
It's basically a telephoto lens, and I've tried to shot some tests to make some confidence.
I've found it extremely good for its price ( from 100 to 140 euros ca. ).
I hope the best.
I'm queueing some posts - pictures and stuff - so this place won't be silent during my holidays.
See you soon!
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