Open House - Piuarch@Dolce

Creato il 04 aprile 2011 da Dg_victims @DG_VICTIMS
Open House - Piuarch@Dolce OPEN HOUSE - PIUARCH@DOLCE&GABBANA A BUILDING, AN EXHIBITION, A BOOK  April 15th – 16th 2011 Dolce&Gabbana via Broggi 23, Milan from 3pm to 10 pm ENTRANCE UPON ACCREDITATION TO BE REQUESTED TO:  Dolce & Gabbana open their Via Broggi quarters’ doors and presents Open House – Piuarch@Dolce & Gabbana to the public of the Fuorisalone. A Building, an exhibition and a book design a three dimensional portrait of the architects firm Piuarch, presenting the projects developed both for Dolce & Gabbana and for other Italian and International contractors.  On show, the projects dedicated to Dolce & Gabbana – the Via Goldoni Headquarters, the multifunctional space of the Metropol and the Incisa Val D’Arno Factory – are alternated with other projects developed and produced by the firm from 1996 to today: from the new Business Centre Quattro Corti in St.Petersbourgh, which represents, after 200 years, the comeback of Italian architecture in the city founded by Peter the Great, to the enlargement of the theatre in the Darsena area, from the Bentini Faenza Headquarters finished in 2010 up to the building for offices and showroom in the new Porta Nuova area, still under construction in Milan.  This tale is accompanied, almost subtitled, by the pages of the book, “PIUARCH. Works and Projects” published by Skira which completes and delves deeply in the works of the firm founded by Francesco Fresa, Germán Fuenmayor, Gino Garbellini and Monica Tricario. Join us!

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