Oggi vi propongo un outfit romantico, abito in pizzo, scarpe comode, rasoterra, qualche fiore tra i capelli raccolti nei campi ed occhiali con lenti a specchio.
Irrinunciabili, gli accessori, grandi orecchini ed una collana Majique nei toni dell'oro e verde acqua.
Che ne pensate..?
Hello girls, how are you ..? Prime hours spent at sea for me this morning that I have left those annoying tan lines that I hope to be able to remove as soon as possible.
Today I propose a romantic outfit, dress in lace, comfortable shoes, low to the ground, some flowers in your hair crops in the fields and glasses with mirrored lenses.
Indispensable, accessories, large earrings and a necklace Majique London in shades of gold and green water.
What do you think ..?

Occhiali da sole/Sunglasses: Zara
Abito/Dress: Pimkie
Sandali/Sandals: Pollini
Collana Majique compra qui
Necklace Majique London buy here