Outfit for my pitwalking on Le Mans raceway!

Creato il 19 giugno 2015 da Themorasmoothie @themorasmoothie
themorasmoothie, blogger, fashionblog, fashionblogger, ootd, outfitoftheday, lookoftheday, me, girl, ootd, fashionbloggeritaliana, italian fashion blogger, blogger italiana, suzuki, aeronautica militare, all stars, gazel, porsche, lm24, le mans, france, francia, style, styleblogger, shopping, shopping on line

Hi guys out there!
Today I'm gonna post u my first outfit I worn in France for the 24 Hours of Le Mans.

Buongiorno, oggi vi posto il primo outfit indossato in Francia per la 24h di Le Mans.

themorasmoothie, blogger, fashionblog, fashionblogger, ootd, outfitoftheday, lookoftheday, me, girl, ootd, fashionbloggeritaliana, italian fashion blogger, blogger italiana, suzuki, aeronautica militare, all stars, gazel, porsche, lm24, le mans, france, francia, style, styleblogger, shopping, shopping on line

Pics are not many, weather the first day was not very forgiving... lot of rain, but fortunately I was wearing my beautiful waterproof jacket that I was sheltered by rain and air not so warm.
A comfortable look, sporty and especially comfortable shoes to be able to walk around easily, touch frou frou given by my purse backpack that you saw here, what do you think about?
Big kiss and the next post!

Le foto non sono tante, il tempo il primo giorno non è stato molto clemente, abbiamo trovato tanta pioggia, ma per fortuna io indossavo il mio bellissimo giubbotto impermeabile che mi ha riparato da pioggia ed aria non proprio caldina.
Un look comodo e sportivo e soprattutto con scarpe comode per poter girare tranquillamente, il tocco frou frou dato dalla mia borsa zaino che avete già visto qui, che ne dite?
Bacio grande e al prossimo post!

I was wearingjacket by Aeronautica Militarebackpack by Gazèlshoes All Stars

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