Oggi un outfit easy e casual, jeans skinny ed un maglioncino crop top ampio rosa. Semplicità per una giornata in relax tra amiche. Occhiali da sole ironici con lenti a forma di cuore, immancabile tacco, decolleté Danilo Di Lea ed accessori nei toni del fucsia.
Che ne pensate??
I believe in pink! One of my favorite colors, and if it is turned on and fluo even better, perfect for summer and bring out the tan that unfortunately, I have not !!
Today an easy and casual outfits, skinny jeans and a sweater large pink crop top. Simplicity for a relaxing day among friends. Ironic sunglasses with heart-shaped lenses, inevitable heel, Pumps Danilo Di Leaand accessories in shades of fuchsia.
What do you think ??

Jeans: Sebiro
Crop top Pimkie
Scarpe/ShoesDanilo Di Lea
Borsa/Bag Massimiliano Incas
Orologio/Watch: Daniel Wellington