Indosso shorts in jeans a cui ho abbinato una canotta retata sporty, un graditissimo regalo di mia sorella (non la trovate deliziosa..?)
Immancabili occhiali da sole Excape modello "camo" nei toni del fucsiaun must dell'estate 2014.
Per la scelta degli accessori ho deciso di indossare un bracciale Majique in catena color oro con charm colorati che si intonano benissimo con la canotta.
Che ne pensate..? Aspetto come sempre i vostri commenti e vi auguro buon inizio di settimana..!
Hello girls, how are you ..? After a few days break from the blog, I return with a new outfit, casual and simple.
I wear denim shorts which I paired a sporty tank raid, a very welcome gift from my sister (can not find it delicious ..?)
Inevitable sunglasses Excape model "camo" in shades of fuchsia a must have of summer 2014.
For the choice of accessories I decided to wear a Majique London chain bracelet with colorful charms that are matched very well with the tank top.
What do you think ..? Appearance as always your comments and I wish you good start to the week ..!

Shorts: La Guapa
bracciale Majique compra qui
bangle Majique buy here
Sunglasses/Occhiali da sole: Excape
Orecchini /Earrings: Fornarina