Pizza & Coffee Aromas
English version below
Una pizzeria a taglio, un bar, un punto di ritrovo. L'aroma di caffè e di pizza si fondono pur rimanendo distinguibili. Stress da Equitalia o Agenzia delle entrate(sono proprio sul marciapiede opposto)? Allora vi consigliamo di mangiare l arancino al formaggio semistagionato Montasio arricchito dai funghi porcini e dalla salsiccia, oppure la semplice bontà di un arancino pomodoro e basilico fresco, una polpetta di tonno o una crocchetta di patate.
DA NON PERDERE: Polpettine di pane!!!
English version below
Pizza & Coffee Aromas is more than a snack bar, more than a cafè or more than a pizzeria, simply because it's a fusion of the three. There's no need to start a fight over who wants what and where; this place would combine the top of the food experiences you can find in Italy - a generously aroma-packed espresso coffee and a slice of pizza al taglio with its natural variety of side snacks, such as suppli' and similar fritters. The plus is that they value quality whereas normally when quantity is huge, quality might be neglected. No way! The flour they use is 100% organic, and although this alone doesn't always make a difference, it does when combined with fresh ingredients and a wise usage of them. So you won't be disappointed upon tasting their pizzas - try the simplest margherita, or the local romanesco broccoli one - but try the rest too, if you want to make it memorable.
Heart of Supplì - Montasio cheese
The perfect soundtrack: something exotic? Pizza & Coffee Aromas highlights: polpette di pane!