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Plants Vs Zombies : su PS Vita c'è il trofeo di Platino, ecco la lista completa

Creato il 24 febbraio 2012 da Notizieplaystation @Notizie_PS
Plants Vs Zombies : su PS Vita c'è il trofeo di Platino, ecco la lista completaUno dei tanti giochi di lancio per PS Vita ha con sè una gradita sorpresa, in questa specifica versione :
Il gioco ha infatti il trofeo di Platino, un buon incentivo per i cacciatori di trofei. Sono tutti visibili, dunque non dovrebbe essere un grosso problema per capire come fare per prenderli :
Plants Vs Zombies : su PS Vita c'è il trofeo di Platino, ecco la lista completa
Smarty BranchesGrow the Tree of Wisdom to at least 100 feet
Crash of the TitanDefeat your first Gargantuar
Don't Pea in the PoolComplete a daytime pool level with using Pea-shooters of any kind
Soil Your PlantsPlant your first 10 peashooters
ExplodonatorBlast 10 zombies at once with a Cherry Bomb!
Close ShaveSurvive the zombie onslaught after all lawnmowers have been used
Nom Nom NomStop the horde using only the Sunflower, Wall-Nur, and Chomper on any level
Penny PincherPick up 30 coins in a row on a single level without letting any disappear
Sunny DaysAccumulate 8,000 sun during a single level
Popcorn Party Defeat 2 Gargantuars with Corn Cob missiles in a single level
Good MorningComplete a daytime level by planting only Mushrooms and Coffee Beans
ast Mown StandingDefeat the last zombie in a level with a lawn mower
20 Below ZeroImmobilize 20 full-sized zombies with a single Ice-shroom
Flower PowerKeep 10 Twin Sunflowers alive in a single level
PyromaniacComplete a level using only explosive plants to kill zombies
Lawn Mower ManKill 10 zombies with a single lawn mower
Chill OutFeel the rhythm, feel the rhyme, you've one level to destroy 3 bobsleds, its Jalapeno time!
Defcorn 5Build 5 Cob Cannons in a single level
Monster MashCrush 5 zombies with a single Squash
Blind FaithComplete an extremely foggy level with using Planterns or Blovers
Melon-y LanePlant a Winter Melon on every lane
EnlightenedCollect all Zen Garden, Mushroom Garden and Aquarium Garden plants
Diamond BeghoulerUpgrade all your plants in Beghouled
GreenfingersGrow 10 Zen Garden plants to full size
Wall-Not AttackComplete ZomBotany without using Wall-nuts, Tall-nuts or Pumpkins
Sol InvictusComplete Last Stand with 2,000 sun remaining
Sproing! Sproing! Complete Pogo Party without using Tall-Nuts or Magnet-shrooms
SPUDOW! Blow up a zombie using a Potato Mine
Plants Vs Zombies : su PS Vita c'è il trofeo di Platino, ecco la lista completa
Home Lawn SecurityComlete adventure mode
Master of MorticultureCollect all 49 plants in the game
Alive and PlantingSurvive 40 waves of pure zombie ferocity
Roll Some HeadsBowl over 5 zombies with a single Wall-nut
ShopaholicGo trunk driving and spend at least $25,000 on Crazy Dave's Twiddydinkies
GroundedDefeat a normal roof level without using any Catapult plants
ZombologistDiscover the Yeti zombie
No Fungus Among UsComplete a nighttime level without planting any Mushrooms
Pool's ClosedComplete a pool level without using water plants
Lucky SpinGet 3 diamonds in Slot Machine
Chili FreeComplete Column Like You See'em without using Jalapenos
Shooting StarComplete Seeing Stars before the first Flag Zombie appears
Plants Vs Zombies : su PS Vita c'è il trofeo di Platino, ecco la lista completa
Second LifeComplete Adventure mode a second time
Beyond the GraveBeat all 20 mini games
Plants Vs Zombies : su PS Vita c'è il trofeo di Platino, ecco la lista completa
The Complete ZombieYou've won every trophy, climbed every mountain, defeated every zombie, planted every plant. Congratulations!

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