Questa settimana la PlayStation 4 festeggia 20 anni di storia. In questo post vi elencheremo tutti gli SPOT TV andati in ONDA dal 1995. Molta gente che leggerà questo articolo ,forse , non era neanche nata quando in TV andò in onda la prima pubblicità targata PlayStation.
‘Society Against PlayStation (SAPS)’ (1995)
‘Double Life’ (1998)
‘Shapes’ (1997)
‘Mental Wealth’ (1999)
‘Welcome to the Third Place’ (2000)
‘Bambi’ (2001)
‘Overload’ (2001)
‘Wolfman’ (2002)
‘Laughing Mouth’ (2003)
‘Mountain’ (2003)
‘Athletes’ (2004)
‘Traders’ (2004)
‘A Day in a Life’ (2005)
‘This is Living’ (2007)
PS Vita
‘The World is in Play’ (2012)
‘#4ThePlayers Since 1995′ (2013)
‘This is for the Players’ (2013)
‘Welcome to the Future of Play’ (2014)
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