Quickfish dal cartoccio di mare in poi...

Da Romeyumood
Quickfish - Via Anagni, 82
English version below
Centocelle è quartiere giovane e dinamico dove universitari e immigrazione vivono in una sorta di armonia creativa. Da questo incontro nascono idee innovative come Quickfish, ovvero l'arte del pesce a portare via. Street food è un termine spesso abusato ma in questo caso calza proprio a pennello. Il locale si trova immerso tra l'asfalto caotico del quartiere e la sfilza di negozi aperti a tutte le ore. La cucina è vivace e sempre pronta a cucinare piatti espressi d'asporto. Si passa dai cartocci

Cartoccio di calamari, totani e polipetti

(o cuoppi) di fritti, calamari, moscardini etc ai saporitissimi tortini di alici. La frittura è leggera e croccante e non rimane sullo stomaco. Abbiniamo Postcards from Italy dei Beirut perché rappresenti il trait d' union tra le diverse etnie che popolano centocelle e il cibo, da sempre elemento che fa incontrare le culture.

DA NON PERDERE: Cuoppo di Frittura!!!

English version below


Tortino di Alici

The Centocelle district, originally a "borgata" as often in Rome outskirts are called, developed in recent years in one of the most multicultural areas of the city. A harmonic mixture of students, relocated to study at the not so far university La Sapienza, and immigrants from various places around the Globe, the district barely deserves a visit if not to see how Rome changed in the last 20 years. The multiethnic touch is nothing new in cities like London or NY, but in Rome it is a developing phenomenon and areas like this one clearly represent the revolution that it's happening in front of our eyes. That's maybe the reason why this seems to be the place to create something vaguely experimental, as Quickfish seems to be. If a definition of streetfood looks abstract in many cases, this is not as such for this little shop where - as the name calls - fish is daily served quickly, a healthy break to change from the usual duet pizza/supplì. Quickfish serves fried fish in many varieties and everything is extremely fresh and well cooked. You'll not regret coming all the way to here to taste their little fried delicacies. Try the "tortino di alici", an anchovy based cake, or the best they have, the "cuoppo", a cone filled with mixed fried seafood.

The perfect soundtrack: meltin pot music with Beirut, Postcards from Italy.

Quickfish highlight: cuoppo di fritti.

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