Humoresque by Stefano Grondona and Laura Mondiello
In the early twentieth century in Argentina’s society and especially in Buenos Aires there was a remarkable interest and development for the guitar world, welcoming artists and luthiers in Barcelona. Catalan Domingo Prat, who was a pupil of the great Miguel Llobet, moved to Buenos Aires and brought with him little by little all the Catalan world. Llobet arrived in Argentina in 1910 made many concert tours, and even he thought about his trasferiment in South America. Maria Luisa Anido (1907-1996), a great Argentina’s guitarist, former a Prat’s student, became a pupil of Llobet. They formed a guitar duo with a repertoire prepared by Llobet himself, and that unfortunately only made two concert tours in 1925 and 1929. Part of this repertoire was published in the '60s, part was lost. No one has heard anything about it untill Stefano Grondona, during his obsessive and enthusiastic rediscovery and reassessment of the Llobet’s character, found it in Barcelona, and has begun his disclosure through the formation of a duo with Laura Mondiello and cds recodrings, initially with the CD Homenaje and now, always for Stradivarius, with this excellent Humoresque.
This disc has all the musics, known and unpublished, of the repertoire of the duo that were not included in Homanaje, creating a Word Premiere Recordings of absolute respect. There are the music of Albeniz and Granados, but also those of the Catalan musicologist Lopez-Chavarri, as well as some classic transcriptions: Daquin, Mozart, Beethoven, Brahms, Mendelssohn and Tchaikovsky. The Grondona and Mondiello Duo open a new world with these recordings, strictly played using two original Torres, a world in which Llobet could test and develop the creative and harmonics aspects of the guitar, coming, thanks to innovative lutherie Torres, to discover new possibilities and new musical colors. Subject of criticism at the time the work of this duo and his repertoire finally found its rightful position among the giants of the guitar thanks to the passion and virtuosity of Stefano Grondona and Laura Mondiello. Listen to them and be enchanted, it’s difficult to report a piece over another, though personally I liked very much the novel's famous Hungara Dance No.5 by Brahms. Indispensable. http://feeds.feedburner.com/ChitarraEDintorni