By watching my wishlist you should have understood, althought you may have the intelligence of a dead leaf, that I' m a pervert maniac of... scarves. I've one of Brunello Cucinelli which is my favourite and I like touching it... I also saw another one of the same brand softer, if it's possible, that told me "Buy me, buy me, or something else will do it!". "I'd do it-I thought-but there's the waiting list with other 3/4 scarves!". Here you are those:
1) Sciarpa baby cashmere di Loro Piana. Da tastare per vederne la morbidezza, ma se è come i maglioni...
1) Loro Piana baby cashmere scarf. I should first touch it, but if it's also only as soft as the pulls....
2) Hermès les Etalons. In cashmere e seta. Non vorrei essere volgare ma ho il sospetto che questa sciarpa, con il suo disegno dandy, provochi orgasmi incontrollati (oddio se lo sono!)
2) Hermès les Etalons. Cashmere and silk. I wouldn't like to be vulgar, but this scarf, with its dandy print, causes orgasms (OMG this post looks like a porn book!)
3) Hermès pure music: l' unica sciarpa con tasca per i-pod da cui poi si possono far passare le cuffie all' interno, per farle uscire ad altezza orecchie. Comoda, leziosa e costosa. Come non volerla...
3) Hermès pure music: the unique scarf with I-pod pocket. The headphones pass through the scarf and go out near the ears. Comfortable, affected and expansive. How could I not desire it?
4) Rubinacci skull edition: una morbida pashmina in cashmere con simpatici teschi. Decisamente più alternativa anche di quel geniaccio macabro di McQueen, anche perchè questi hanno il papillon e fanno la linguaccia!
4) Rubinacci skull edition: a soft cashmere pashmina whith funny skulls. It's more alternative than the same lovely, macaber genious called McQueen, also because these skulls wear the bow tie and put out the tongue!