Magazine Lifestyle

Second outfit in Formentera

Creato il 23 agosto 2012 da Stephilacreations
Second outfit in Formentera
Buon giorno ragazze,ecco il secondo outfit indossato a Formentera.
e' composto da 3 cose che non possono mancare nella mia valigia: un vestitino, scarpe con tacco ma comode e e una borsa piccolissima.Dato che il peso della mia valigia doveva essere bassissimo, ho ridotto al minimo le cose da portare..ecco perche' ho scelto pochi accessori, che stessero bene con i vari outfits.Che ne pensate di questo outfit?Vi auguro una buona giornataStefania
P.S. Perdonate lo sguardo non proprio "vispo" in queste foto, ma sono stata malissimo quel giorno :(
Good morning girls,here is the second outfit wore in Formentera.It consists of 3 things that can't miss in my suitcase: a dress, shoes with heels but comfortable and and a small bag.Because the weight of my suitcase had to be very low, I minimized the things to bring .. that's why I have chosen a few accessories, which were okay with various outfits.What do you think of this outfit?Have a nice day
P.S. Forgive my eyes not quite "lively" in these photos, but I was very ill that day: (
I am sorry if my English is not so good, but I'll improve! :)
Second outfit in Formentera
Second outfit in Formentera
Second outfit in Formentera
Second outfit in Formentera
Second outfit in Formentera
Second outfit in Formentera
Second outfit in Formentera
Second outfit in Formentera
Vestito/Dress: AsosSandali/Sandals: AsosClutch: BurberryCollana/Necklace: AsosOrologio/Watch: Casio

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