Shower scene & more: spoiler da Ausiello!

Creato il 29 giugno 2011 da Bittersweet @area5dotorg

Chi ha letto “Dead to the World” sa benissimo di cosa stiamo parlando! Leggete un po’ cosa ha dichiarato Alan Ball al riguardo:
“C’è una scena nella doccia, in cui Eric e Sookie sono insieme ma porta decisamente in un’altra direzione rispetto a quella del libro” (quale, Mr Ball? ndr) “Comunque per tutti coloro che aspettano che succeda qualcosa fra Sookie e Eric questa sarà una bella stagione per loro.”

Question: I have to know — will this season of True Blood have the smokin’ hot Sookie/Eric shower scene featured in the book? Please say yes! —Sam
Ausiello: Yes… and No. “There is a shower scene,” explains exec producer Alan Ball. “But it is not a direct re-enactment of the shower scene in the book. It goes to a slightly different place.” Emphasis onslightly. “Sookie and Eric are in the shower together,” confirms Ball, who assures me that, “Everybody who’s been waiting for Sookie and Eric to hook up, this will be a very good season for them.”

Scott Foley comandava il platone di Terry in Iraq. Quindi hanno vissuto delle storie insieme lì. Foley farà la sua prima apparizione nell’ultimo episodio della quarta stagione, e forse tornerà anche quella quinta. Alan Ball sta negoziando il contratto, ma assicura che lo show non è in chiusura di serie, ancora. “Di sicuro ci sarà ancora una stagione, se non di più” ha concluso Ball al riguardo.

Question: Any more details on Scott Foley’s True Blood role? —Anna
Ausiello: “He was Terry’s platoon leader in Iraq,” says Ball of Foley’s character, Patrick. “So they [share] a military history.” (Rumor has it Terry saved Patrick’s life not once but twice.) Foley will debut in the Season 4 finale and then recur throughout Season 5. Ball, meanwhile, confirms that a deal is not yet in place for him to return as showrunner for a fifth season. “I’m negotiating,” he says. Of course, HBO hasn’t renewed the show itself — but Ball isn’t worried. “There are no plans for this show to end,” he assures. “I’m pretty sure there will be at least one more season, if not more. It seems like it has a lot of life in it still.” That’s an understatement given the boffo ratings for Sunday’s premiere.

E infine su Tara e il suo passato rocambolesco con i vampiri:

Question: In a recent Ask Ausiello, you said that there was a very subtle clue for “one of the biggest (literally and figuratively) twists in True Blood‘s history” in the linked trailer. Now that we’ve seen the premiere — and know the twist in question was the yearlong time jump — youhave to reveal what the clue was! Was it that Eric said “for the past year” at the beginning of the trailer? —Nancy
Ausiello: Nope. The clue was Tara declaring, “It’s been a while since I got attacked by a vampire, and guess what — it still sucks.” Had the show stuck with tradition — i.e. no time jump between seasons — it would’ve only been a few days since Tara’s deadly run-in with psycho vamp Franklin Mott.

A questo punto siamo proprio curiosi di vedere l’alternativa alla scena della doccia (ma credo che non resteremo delusi…) e di quali problemi porterà il personaggio interpretato da Scott Foley nella vita di Terry. Quanto a Tara: riuscirà mai a recuperare un po’ di tranquillità?


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