Teatro Nuovo di Verona
Sabato 2 maggio 2015, ore 19.30
I neozelandesi The Royal Family, coreografati dall'astro nascente della danza hip hop Parris Goebel, si esibiranno al teatro Nuovo di Verona.

La giornata, organizzata dall'associazione veronese Move The World, si dividerà in due parti: dalle 11 alle 16 si svolgeranno tre workshop tenuti dai ballerini della compagnia nella scuola di danza la L&A di San Martino Buon Alberto San Martino e alle 19,30 al Nuovo la compagnia The Royal Family si esibirà nel programma Skulls and Crowns - A Royal Invasion, unica tappa italiana del tour mondiale.

La compagnia neozelandese di Auckland è l'unico gruppo al mondo ad essersi aggiudicato per tre volte consecutive il World Hip Hop Championships. E Parris Goebel, nonostante una giovane età, è già stata coreografa per artisti come Jennifer Lopez e Nicki Minaj, e coprotagonista del film Step Up All In (2014) del regista Trish Sie, quinto capitolo di una serie sul mondo della "street dance".
Per informazioni: [email protected]

Parris is the choreographer and dances in the all female crew ReQuest and is the creator of Polyswagg. In 2009, ReQuest were crowned the World Varsity Hip Hop Champions in Las Vegas and also the Battleground Supremacy Varsity Champions in Australia.
In 2010, ReQuest returned and dominated the competition to become the number one Adult crew in the world and be the first crew to win back to back gold medals and in both divisions. ReQuest were the first crew outside North America to make it on MTV Americas Best Dance Crew Season 6. Parris was a 2008 show cast member in Monsters of Hip Hop and is now a member of the Faculty that teaches all through the USA.
She was awarded the Street Dance New Zealand Choreographer of the Year and Dancer of the Year in 2009. She has taught throughout the USA, Asia, Europe, Australia and all throughout New Zealand. She is the director and teaches at her own studio - The Palace Dance Studio in Auckland and Hamilton.
In 2011 her crews went to World Hip Hop Championships where they dominated over 37 countries.
Parris was the choreographer for all 4 crews who competed at the World Hip Hop Champs. Bubblegum - Junior Crew won Gold, Sorority Varsity Crew won Gold, The Royal Family Mega Crew won Gold and ReQuest won Silver. This makes The Palace the number one studio in the world and Parris the top choreographer at the World Championships. She was awarded the 2102 World of Dance Female Choreographer of the year in the USA.
In 2012 ReQuest went to San Diego and were crowned Body Rock Champions. Parris worked on Jennifer Lopez 2012 World Tour, performed with her in the American Idol final Season 11 and appeared with ReQuest in her latest music video. She has worked with Jolin Tsai who is Taiwan1s number one female pop star and choreographed her latest video and her 2012 end of year concert.
Parris also featured on the hit TV show "Dancing With The Stars" in the USA in 2012. Her crews returned to the World Champs in 2012 and both Bubblegum & The Royal Family were crowned back to back world champions. Sorority got the Sivler Medal in the Varsity Divison at the same competition. Parris was the ambassador for Southside Arts Festival in Auckland for 2012.
Parris was part of the creative team for Cirque Du Soleil for the Michael Jackson show ONE which opened at the Mandalay in Las Vegas in 2013. She then created Murder On The Dance Floor which had all sold out shows at the Vodafone Events Centre.
Once again her crews returned to the world hip hop championships at The Royal Family took gold again giving Parris her 8th Gold medal and making history with a 3Peat. Bubblegum were awarded the Silver Medal & Sorority took home the Bronze Medal. Parris is the most successful choreographer in the entire time the world champs have been running.
Parris is now on the new Step Up 5 movie, not only doing choreography, but she also has as an acting part in this global franchise. She has just done a music video for Taeyang who one of South Korea's recording artists. At the end of filming Step Up 5 she will go straight to Australia to start work on the TV hit show So You Think You Can Dance.
All this has been achieved by Parris who is only 22 years old.