Oggi sono qui per presentarvi un altro libro. Beh insomma, lo so che mi odierete con tutti i libri che vi presento e che vi induco a leggere, e mi odio da sola perché… ma in fondo in fondo è bello condividere la passione per la lettura. Molto spesso, anzi quasi sempre vi illustro libri in lingua originale. Beh nell’ultimo anno e mezzo ho letto più in inglese che in italiano. E sono contenta di avere un riscontro sul fatto che la mia esperienza ne abbia ispirato altre. Insomma, ci sono molte ragazze che ho “condizionato” o “convertito” in questa mia avventura e ne conosco tantissime che già lo facevano…insomma è sempre più comune. E poi fa bene. “Leggere in inglese? Yes we can” è un motto e una fede.
Il libro di oggi comunque è “Shattered and Shaken” di Julie Bailes, che incontrato per caso in uno dei miei vagabondaggi sul web e una volta letta la trama…insomma è stato facile scegliere di promuoverlo.
Di cosa parla il libro?
Allie Anderson ha avuto più cuori spezzati di quelli che una persona merita di vivere. Ha perso suo padre a causa del cancro, suo fratello per la guerra e l’amore della sua vita, Wyatt, le ha preso il suo bene più prezioso ed è scomparso senza aggiungere altro. Wyatt che una volta aveva nel palmo della sua mano il cuore di Allie e lo ha distrutto. Blake, il migliore amico di Allie diventato amante, è tutto quello di cui ha bisogno, lui le darebbe la luna se gliela chiedesse, ma c’è un problema, lui vuole Allie interamente. Come può Allie darsi tutta a qualcuno quando non è sicura che ci sia qualcosa da dare? Il cuore di Allie è come un puzzle non risolto e a cui mancano dei pezzi, è impossibile da rimettere insieme. Quando la vita di Allie inizia ad avere senso, il suo cuore inizia a guarire e la felicità non sembra più un’emozione estranea, l’uomo che l’ha spezzata anni fa torna, distruggendo il suo cuore un’altra volta. Ora il suo cuore è danneggiato per sempre? I cuori sono come vetri rotti, puoi rimetterli insieme, ma non saranno mai gli stessi.
Una di quelle storie piene di angst, passione e voglia di vivere che si risolvono in un mare di lacrime ed emozioni forti. Due uomini, una scelta, la vita che sommerge Allie, insomma tutto quello di cui si ha bisogno per avere una romance con i fiocchi. Il libro che è uscito lunedì promette scintille… non lasciatevelo scappare.
E ora siete pronti per leggere un except dal libro???
One more time this phone ring and it isn’t about Allie, I’ll smash this motherfucker. I can’t believe I let my emotions get the best of me, almost ruining my career. But seeing Allie laid in a hospital bed, hurt, kills me. I already feel powerless because there’s nothing I can do to help her, she has a brain injury, completely out of my area of expertise. Four days ago I was leaving the hospital to go over and see her, but was taken aback when I saw EMS rushing her through the emergency room on a gurney, bloody and unconscious. I wanted to knock every fucking person out of my way to take care of her. I wanted to scoop her into my arms and let her know that I’m here and she’ll be okay.
As they wheeled her toward diagnostic imaging Dr. Dixon ordered me to stay behind, pissing me off. I punched the wall with all my might receiving a hairline fracture to my wrist. Despite his orders I followed behind and waited outside of the imaging room. I fell to my knees and prayed for God to allow Allie’s heart to continue beating. I didn’t have any clue what happened to her or how serious her injuries were, how serious they still may be.
After Dr. Dixon explained that Allie has a severe subdural hematoma I freaked the hell out. I went bat shit ballistic. I begged to be in the operating room, but Dr. Dixon stated I would only be in the way and if something went wrong he couldn’t deal with restraining me from getting to her; he was right. If her heart acted up in the least I would’ve tried to take charge. She is my heart, if something happens to her, it happens to us. I can’t live without her, especially knowing what I know now.
Because the bleeding around Allie’s brain was so intense Dr. Dixon had to drill burr holes into her skull to drain the blood, relieving the pressure against her brain. Before the surgeons could proceed with the surgery they had to order some STAT labs. When the labs returned one of her levels were elevated, and since I was there when the labs came back Dr. Dixon presented the labs to me, asking my opinion. Her HCG level way higher than normal, indicating pregnancy. However, the level wasn’t extremely elevated so she is newly pregnant, I say around eight to ten weeks, if that.
We agreed to proceed with the surgery. I decided to take over her case, the chief advised against it, but he couldn’t forbid it. While she was in surgery I flipped through her chart, she had been admitted to Onslow Memorial before; in the labor and delivery ward about four years ago. As I read along the documentation I seen where Allie was admitted for preterm labor, delivering a baby girl at 34 weeks along. This information shocks the hell out of me. I’ve committed every inch of her body to memory, she doesn’t have a single stretch mark, her stomach is tight and flat, and as tight as she is I’d never in a million year believe she delivered a baby. It’s documented that the baby lived and was released six weeks later, so where is she?
I was in the middle of a delivery when I got paged that Allie was finally awake. Immediately I asked one of the nurse practioner to take over. Skipping the elevators I took the stairs three at a time up three flights. I ran to the nurses’ station and gathered her chart. As I opened the door to her room my heart stopped. I mean, it literally stopped. There was no beating, no breathing, not blinking- nothing. For a minute I believed the nurse was going to have to call a code blue on me, I was seconds away from kissing the hard concrete-like floor.
My beautiful girl had a bandage wrapping around her head, bruises covering her body, and wires connecting to her entire body. “Blake, please get this shit off of me.” Her voice kicked my heart into gear as she pleaded for me to help her. I rushed to her side and sat beside her. I ran my hand along her arm and advised her I couldn’t do that right now. I tried to hide the fact that I knew she was pregnant or that she has a child already, but I had to know. I need to know if she knew about the pregnancy and if she did, did she plan on telling me. After checking her out and calming her heart rate I asked her if there was anything she wanted to tell me.
Her eyes popped open and she gulped loudly, as if she was a child getting caught stealing candy from a candy shop. She adjusted herself in the bed and began to open her mouth, but before she could speak I watched as her heart rate picked up on the monitor. All the color suddenly drained from her face as her big blood filled brown eyes about popped out of their sockets. Turning to see what was causing her reaction my eyes landed on the man I despise most, Wyatt.
Anger consumed me and heat filled my body. I found out about Wyatt as I read through the accident report. I don’t know why he was at Sophie’s and I have not a fucking clue why he was in the ambulance with my Allie. I went to confront him, confirming he was the ex who broke her, and he believes otherwise. He advised me that Al is his and she always will be. He said he didn’t give a flying fuck whose baby she’s carrying, he’s take care of it, that he’ll take care of her. Over my dead body! Allie is mine. The baby within her is mine. I’m the one who has waited for her all these years, and I will not back down. So you can imagine the anger that’s been building up inside of me since our confrontation.
Wyatt looked through me as if I didn’t exist, as if I was a ghost. His eyes glued to Allie. Despite the monitors beeping like crazy he stepped closer to her, making his way to her despite the pain he was causing her. I protect what’s mine. Allie and the baby belong to me. So before he made his way any closer I ran to him and hit him with all my might, ignoring the agonizing pain that shot up my arm from the fracture in my wrist.
As I expected he came at me full force, his head collided with my nose, causing blood to splatter everywhere. I head Allie plead for us to stop but I couldn’t, anger controlled my mind- backing down wasn’t an option. Wyatt tried to push me away to get to her, only fueling my anger more. I tackled him and we fell to the ground. We exchanged punches as Allie’s monitors went crazy. Wyatt finally removed himself from me as the rapid beeping slowed, and Allie faded out of consciousness once again. Rushing to her side I checked her pulse, laid her bed flat, and called for help. My blood dripped on her as I administered chest compressions. Thankfully we got her back without a defibulator, but both Wyatt and I were escorted from the hospital pr.
Volete sapere qualcosa di Julia Bailes?
Risiede in una piccola città di campagna ad ovest di Nashville, Tennesse, con suo marito e tre meravigliosi bambini. Una tipica ragazza del sud che ha deciso di accendere il suo computer e iniziare a scrivere, creando qualcosa dal nulla. È una tipica ragazza a cui non importa sporcarsi. Insieme al suo amore per tutte le cose rosa e glitterose, ama competere con suo marito nella caccia e su quattro ruote. Il cioccolato è la sua debolezza. Vive la vita al suo pieno, ride quando è possibile e ama parlare di sesso- con chiunque.
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