Magazine Lifestyle

SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic

Creato il 01 maggio 2014 da Silverstar
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
Il nuovo romanticismo passa attraverso una femminilità eterea che si trasforma in moderni look urbani attraverso capi quasi minimalisti realizzati con strati di trasparenze nelle nuance del bianco, del crema e del rosa, dove traspare il colore della pelle. Sono outfit impalpabili e sensuali, che diventano portabili grazie alla razionalità nella costruzione.
Sempre in tema, troviamo l’ennesima interpretazione del tema folk, appartenente alla cultura degli anni Settanta, il decennio che nelle referenze delle mode passate sembra essere il preferito dagli stilisti. Motivi floreali ricamati, stampe piazzate e nastri all’uncinetto d’ispirazione folcloristica e gitana sono abbinati ai colori allegri dell' arcobaleno su abiti e tuniche candidi, che diventano look estivi spensierati e freschi.
Infine troviamo anche la femminilità declinata in stile preppy, un mood bon ton giovanile che predilige un look femminile ma innocente, attraverso l’uso dei colori tenui, soprattutto pastello, e di capi d’abbigliamento da ‘brava ragazza’ come abiti, camicette e gonne.
The new romance goes through an ethereal femininity that turns into a modern urban look through minimalist garments made ​​with layers of transparencies in the shades of white, cream and pink, in which you can even see the color of the skin.
They are ethereal and sensual outfits that become wearable thanks to rationality in the fitting.
Still on this topic, we find yet another interpretation of the folk
theme, belonging to the culture of the seventies (the fashion decade that seems to be the designers favorite). Embroidered floral motifs ,  prints and crochet - folk and gypsy inspired- ribbons in the cheerful colors of the rainbow on candid dresses and tunics, which become perfect carefree and fresh summer look .
To end, there is also the femininity declined in preppy style , a bon ton youth
mood who prefers a feminine but innocent look, through the use of soft colors, especially pastel , and 'good girl ' clothing like clothedresses, blouses and skirts.

SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
SS 2014 fashion trends: new romantic
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