Magazine Calcio
Sud africa 2010, è strage avvoltoi per prevedere risultati - south africa 2010, slaughter of vultures to predict results
Da RollingballsIt is again warning of vultures for the World Cup. This was revealed by a press association for the protection of endangered birds, the 'Bird Life South Africa', explaining that alerting the naturalists are sorcerers and healers of the 'magic muti', which make extensive use of animals in the preparation of their magic potions. Problem affecting vultures is closed to football, because a widespread belief among the black people of South Africa, always sensitive to rites and magic, says that smoking the dried brains of these birds of prey you have visions through which would be known results of World Cup matches, then to bet (big passion of South Africans) on those matches.Thus, because of superstition, according to the animals' Bird Life, is a genuine act of killing these birds have a high risk of extinction. Steve McKean, which belongs to association 'Natal Wildlife', provides that "if this continues, Cape vultures could disappear within the next 12 years". To hunt these birds, especially in areas close to Cape Town, are poachers paid by magicians. South Africa is the country with the greatest biodiversity of birds, since its territory there are 841 different species. 'Bird Life South Africa is now willing to submit the issue to the attention of FIFA president Joseph Blatter. The World Cup will be explained before they were killed at least 200 vultures year, always for the production of filters, magic potions and cigarettes, but that now, because of South Africa 2010, the number of dead birds is soaring.
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