Only a stick or a word too? Claudio Marchisio italian National midfielder, is the center of a yellow for 'rendition of Mameli provided yesterday, held in Geneva before the friendly against Switzerland last challenge before the World Cup South Africa 2010. Rages online video documenting the performance of the Juventus player. According to the interpretation of some browsers, Marchisio edit text by inserting the adjective "thieving" after the words' ..." The slave of Rome ...". According to others, however, the black and white repeat twice the words "... Rome ... "wasting time. During the playing of Fabio Cannavaro and Vincenzo Iaquinta to turn around smiling Marchisio.
Sudafrica 2010, marchisio e l'inno di mameli: e' giallo sul web (video) - south africa 2010, marchisio and mameli's anthem: it's a case on web
Creato il 06 giugno 2010 da RollingballsOnly a stick or a word too? Claudio Marchisio italian National midfielder, is the center of a yellow for 'rendition of Mameli provided yesterday, held in Geneva before the friendly against Switzerland last challenge before the World Cup South Africa 2010. Rages online video documenting the performance of the Juventus player. According to the interpretation of some browsers, Marchisio edit text by inserting the adjective "thieving" after the words' ..." The slave of Rome ...". According to others, however, the black and white repeat twice the words "... Rome ... "wasting time. During the playing of Fabio Cannavaro and Vincenzo Iaquinta to turn around smiling Marchisio.
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