Consigliato: a chi ha la carnagione chiara, ad una statura medio alta, alle personalità romantiche, a chi predilige uno stile classico e chic.On the beach on sunny days it is necessary to protect the head and the skin with a hat, one of the must-have summer accessory is undoubtedly the most loved, it completes the look making it glamorous and holiday disrupting monotone outfits. The headpiece must be chosen according to our personality and our needs. If we want to fully protect our face it’s better to opt for a model with a wide brim that has an indisputable appeal for the lovers of refined style. The wide-brimmed hat was a status symbol in past centuries and now it relives a new golden age on the catwalks and not only: made of straw or raffia in macrame style, colorful or with natural shade.
Recommended for: those who have fair skin, a high average height, a romantic personality, those who prefer a classic and chic style.

Inizialmente di feltro il modello ‘Fedora’ di Borsalino è un classico: tra i più imitati, indossato dalle star e protagonista di famose pellicole cinematografiche. Molto amati i modelli estivi declinati in paglia che si ispirano al famoso cappello che conquistò Hollywood. Ammirati negli scatti di street style arricchiscono look e rendono trendy qualsiasi outfit.Dalla tesa più ridotta sono adatti ad uno stile più casual, esistono diverse varianti di questo modello ritenuto ormai un classico, l’importante è sceglierlo con attenzione in base alla forma del nostro viso ed alla nostra personalità.
Consigliato: per tutte le stature, per chi vuole rendere più grintoso il proprio look.Initially made of felt the model 'Fedora' by Borsalino is a classic: one of the most imitated, it was worn by celebrities and was protagonist of famous films. Very popular are the summer types made of straw that are inspired by the famous hat that seduced Hollywood. Admired in street style shots they embellish your look and they make trendy any outfit.With smaller brim they are suitable for a more casual style, there are several variants of this model now considered a classic, it is important to choose it carefully relying on the shape of our face and our personalities.
Recommended for: all sizes, those who want to make their look more aggressive.

Oasap hat