The Hoosiers - Choices - Video Testo

Creato il 13 agosto 2010 da Lesto82

A tre anni dall'album di debutto "The Trick To Life",che conteneva la hit "Worried About Ray",tornano i The Hoosiers con il secondo disco "The Illusion Of Safety" in vendita dal 16 agosto.Il singolo "Choices" è appena uscito ed ha raggiunto l'11esimo posto nella chart inglese.La band pop-rock anglo-svedese sa di rischiare di finire nel dimenticatoio e cerca di stupirci con l'uso dell'elettronica.La loro leggerezza ed ironia sono le benvenute e non sempre possiamo pretendere dei contenuti corposi.Tuttavia il giochino si inceppa quando anche il minimo di talento richiesto,per confezionare un ritornello di facile presa,evapora col sole d'Agosto.In conclusione,non salvo nulla di questa canzone e aspetto il secondo singolo(e soprattutto l'album) come prova d'appello.



In the morning
I could take the burning sun
I could be the only warning but im not the only one
So forgive me, Cause its more than I can bear
In demand I make my mind up by deciding not to care
Stop giving me choices
Stop giving me choices
Im the victim, of this day and age
I've forgotten how to feel
I've forgotten how to change
So I surrender, to the apple of my eye
I surrender to the wind, I will let the wind decide
Stop giving me choices (woah oo)
Stop giving me choices (Woah oo)
Stop giving me choices (woah oo)
Stop giving me choices (Woah oo)
I could Break it, I could break it till it hurts
I could take Whatever words you say, Pretend I never heard

So Forgive me, Shouldn't be so hard
It's they way i'm put together, so your never getting past
Can't we talk this through
Actions are not what i'm used to
Can't we talk this through
Actions are not what i'm used to
Stop giving me choices (woah oo)
Stop giving me choices (Woah oo)
Stop giving me choices (woah oo)
Stop giving me choices (Woah oo)
(I surrender)
Stop giving me choices (woah oo)
Stop giving me choices (Woah oo)
(Just forgive me)
Stop giving me choices (woah oo)
Stop giving me choices (Woah oo)
Without Friction, We Would float up into space
Maybe you could be the friction that will keep me in my place
In the morning, I could take the burning sun
I could be the only warning but i'm not the only one

Voto 5/10

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