Magazine Lifestyle

TRENDrness #2: Neon Yellow

Creato il 02 aprile 2012 da Gretamiliani
TRENDrness #2: Neon YellowNeon o fluo che dir si voglia, il giallo limone quest'anno è di tendenza. Lo abbiamo visto sulle passerella, nelle riviste di moda e, soprattutto, indosso a numerose icone e fashion bloggers. Che tinga scarpe, unghie o borse, il giallo neon è da abbinare rigorosamente al grigio o al nero per farlo risaltare al meglio. Vietato abusarne: eleganza ed eccesso non vanno mai a braccetto.
Neon or fluorescent. Lemon yellow is trendy this year. Catwalk, fashion magazines, on fashion icons and fashion bloggers: we saw neon yellow everywhere. You can choose neon shoes, bags or nails, if you prefer, but you must matched it only to gray or black. Your outfit will stand out better in this way. It's stictly forbidden abusing of it: elegance and excess never go arm in arm.

TRENDrness #2: Neon Yellow

Fashion Squad

TRENDrness #2: Neon Yellow

Courtesy of Vogue

TRENDrness #2: Neon Yellow

TRENDrness #2: Neon Yellow

Werelse. for Mango Touch as seen on

TRENDrness #2: Neon Yellow

The Fashion Fruit

TRENDrness #2: Neon Yellow
TRENDrness #2: Neon Yellow
TRENDrness #2: Neon Yellow
TRENDrness #2: Neon Yellow
TRENDrness #2: Neon Yellow
TRENDrness #2: Neon Yellow
TRENDrness #2: Neon Yellow
TRENDrness #2: Neon Yellow
TRENDrness #2: Neon Yellow

TRENDrness #2: Neon Yellow

Julia Sarr-Jamois in Christopher Kane

TRENDrness #2: Neon Yellow

Miroslava Duma

TRENDrness #2: Neon Yellow

TRENDrness #2: Neon Yellow

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