Magazine Tecnologia
Uncharted 3 : annunciata la patch 1.06, ecco le caratteristiche
Creato il 29 febbraio 2012 da Notizieplaystation @Notizie_PSLa nuova patch, che sarà rilasciata nelle prossime ore, servirà per correggere alcuni aspetti del gameplay (soprattutto legato alla mira) e a correggere dei bug. Di seguito il log completo :
Players can now consistently earn the Return To Sender medalPlayers can now consistently earn the Hot Potato medalPlayers are now able to melee when automatically reloading a gunPlayers can no longer throw grenades while carrying an object
Enemy AI now dies appropriately at the end of each Co-Op Arena round for players.Mute functionality has been improved; players should no longer be able to hear the other player on either side of the mute actionFixed an exploit with thrown objects being used to escape the level boundariesIn Elimination in TDM, players will no longer initially spawn in the last location their buddy spawned
Late-joiners to multiplayer games no longer have a new set of power weapons when entering a gameFixed a rare issue in which certain users were inappropriately kicked out of a non-DLC matchmaking game
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