Magazine Tecnologia
Uncharted Golden Abyss : lista ufficiale dei trofei
Creato il 22 gennaio 2012 da Notizieplaystation @Notizie_PSE' perfettamente in linea con gli altri episodi. Poca originalità è vero, ma almeno gli appassionati sapranno già più o meno come muoversi.
Di seguito la lista :
Relic FinderFind the strange relic.
SurvivorDefeat 75 enemies in a row without dying.
100 HeadshotsDefeat 100 enemies with headshots.
Run-and-gunnerDefeat 20 enemies by shooting from the hip (without aiming).
HangmanDefeat 20 enemies with gunfire by aiming while hanging.
50 Kills: 92FS - 9mmDefeat 50 enemies with the 92FS - 9mm.
50 Kills: Micro - 9mmDefeat 50 enemies with the Micro - 9mm.
30 Kills: Wes - 44Defeat 30 enemies with the Wes - 44.
30 Kills: Desert - 5Defeat 30 enemies with the Desert - 5.
70 Kills: FALDefeat 70 enemies with the FAL.
70 Kills: M4Defeat 70 enemies with the M4.
30 Kills: Moss - 12Defeat 30 enemies with the Moss - 12.
70 Kills: SAS - 12Defeat 70 enemies with the SAS - 12.
50 Kills: M79Defeat 50 enemies with the M79.
50 Kills: GP32 - BNDDefeat 50 enemies with the GP32 - BND.
50 Kills: Dragon SniperDefeat 50 enemies with the Dragon Sniper.
30 Kills: RPG - 7Defeat 30 enemies with the RPG - 7.
200 Kills: GAU - 19Defeat 200 enemies with the GAU - 19.
30 Kills: Mk-NDIDefeat 30 enemies with the Mk-NDI.
Steel Fist MasterDefeat 20 enemies with a single punch, after softening them up with gunfire.
Charted! - EasyFinish the game in Easy Mode.
Secrets of the KunaComplete the mystery.
Odessa mining companyComplete the mystery.
The ConquistadorsComplete the mystery.
Proof of LifeComplete the mystery.
Poisoned PowderComplete the mystery.
The RevolutionComplete the mystery.
Trail of Vincent PerezComplete the mystery.
The Sete CidadesComplete the mystery.
The Friar's PilgrimageComplete the mystery.
The Lost CivilizationComplete the mystery.
The Circle of HeavenComplete the mystery.
The Ring of EarthComplete the mystery.
Treasure: Turquoise GlyphsComplete the treasure set.
Treasure: Jade carvingsComplete the treasure set.
Treasure: The MenagerieComplete the treasure set.
Treasure: Minor DeitiesComplete the treasure set.
Bounty: ArcanaComplete the bounty set.
Bounty: Pieces of SilverComplete the bounty set.
Bounty: Spanish GoldComplete the bounty set.
Bounty: CadizComplete the bounty set.
Bounty: GemstonesComplete the bounty set.
Puzzle MasterComplete all puzzles.
Rub One OutComplete all rubbings.
PaparazzoComplete all photographs.
Touch my RearUse rear touch pad to climb a rope or chain.
The CollectorCollect first treasure or mystery.
Ruffle My FeathersForce José Parrot to squawk out 8 unique quips.
250 HeadshotsDefeat 250 enemies with headshots.
Bare-knuckle SluggerDefeat 50 enemies with hand-to-hand combat.
Master NinjaDefeat 50 enemies with stealth attacks.
Steel Fist ExpertDefeat ten enemies in a row with a single punch, after softening them up with gunfire.
Charted! - NormalFinish the game in Normal Mode.
Charted! - HardFinish the game in Hard Mode.
Charted! - CrushingFinish the game in Crushing Mode.
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