
Leggere, scrivere, arrabbiarsi e poi calmarsi.
Libri... a modo mio.
The soul elegance – Emiko Kato
February 8, 2016 · 6:33 am When you see a person with elegant soul, you immediately notice it: natural and slow movements, at easy smile, open eyes. I do... Leggere il seguito
Pubblicato il 08 febbraio 2016 CULTURA, LIBRI -
Der Fall Collini – Ferdinand von Schirach
January 29, 2016 · 5:47 pm In this period of stressfull worktime, I really needed some fiction to read: I needed to change place and time. So I "went" to... Leggere il seguito
Pubblicato il 29 gennaio 2016 CULTURA, LIBRI -
The 4-hour Workweek – Timothy Ferriss
January 4, 2016 · 6:37 pm No matter if you are an employer or an employee: you probably think that you have to work harder and harder, the more the... Leggere il seguito
Pubblicato il 04 gennaio 2016 CULTURA, LIBRI -
The happiness project – Gretchen Rubin
December 26, 2015 · 12:40 pm Why do you work? Why do you spend your time with family and friends? Why do you cultivate your hobbies? Why do you sing? Why d... Leggere il seguito
Pubblicato il 26 dicembre 2015 CULTURA, LIBRI -
Happy Growth – Francesco Morace
December 15, 2015 · 5:25 pm The idea that growth is dangerous, that it will ruin our environment, that it will transform us in stubborn and brainless... Leggere il seguito
Pubblicato il 15 dicembre 2015 CULTURA, LIBRI -
Proteinaholic – Garth Davis, MD
December 5, 2015 · 5:45 pm You know what I like of this book? Beside the reality that the author is a very good looking man? He admits that he is a former... Leggere il seguito
Pubblicato il 05 dicembre 2015 CULTURA, LIBRI -
The 21 Success Secrets of Self-Made Millionaires – Brian Tracy
December 1, 2015 · 8:20 pm In this book I found some things that I liked and some other ones that I did not like at all. I liked that many suggestions do... Leggere il seguito
Pubblicato il 01 dicembre 2015 CULTURA, LIBRI -
Rejection Proof – Jia Jiang
November 21, 2015 · 8:45 pm Do you lack in self-confidence? Then you must train to get rejections. You have to do like Jia Jian, a young chinese who left... Leggere il seguito
Pubblicato il 21 novembre 2015 CULTURA, LIBRI -
Numero Primo di Marco Paolini: Aiuto!
November 18, 2015 · 1:46 pm Quando ieri sera sono entrata al Teatro Pascutto di S. Stino di Livenza (VE), i biglietti erano già stati tutti venduti. Il... Leggere il seguito
Pubblicato il 18 novembre 2015 CULTURA, LIBRI -
All rivers go to the sea – Elie Wiesel
November 15, 2015 · 3:26 pm Elie Wiesel is a jew journalist who got the Peace Nobel Prize in 1986. He is a Buchenvald survivor. In this autobiography he... Leggere il seguito
Pubblicato il 15 novembre 2015 CULTURA, LIBRI -
You deserve the Best – Lucia Giovannini
November 15, 2015 · 3:25 pm Lucia Giovannini is a former fashion model. She has a Doctorate in Psychology and Counselling and she is member of American... Leggere il seguito
Pubblicato il 15 novembre 2015 CULTURA, LIBRI -
Full of Life – John Fante
November 11, 2015 · 1:40 pm I thought that this was the authobiography of a writer; actually, it is the autobiography of a becoming father. The story... Leggere il seguito
Pubblicato il 11 novembre 2015 CULTURA, LIBRI -
My Life And Work – Henry Ford
November 8, 2015 · 8:40 am The title is the first lie: it doesn't tell anything about his private life; he hardly mentions his wife and son. And why... Leggere il seguito
Pubblicato il 08 novembre 2015 CULTURA, LIBRI -
Rich Dad, Poor Dad – Robert T. Kiyosaki
November 1, 2015 · 2:13 pm Increase your assets, not your liabilities. House is a liability. Work on yur financial intelligence. These are just three of th... Leggere il seguito
Pubblicato il 01 novembre 2015 CULTURA, LIBRI -
What do you really want for your children? – Dr. Wayne W. Dyer
October 28, 2015 · 2:05 pm The more I read on children management, the more I grow convinced that, before working on children, we must work on ourselves. I... Leggere il seguito
Pubblicato il 28 ottobre 2015 CULTURA, LIBRI -
Your Erroneous Zones – Wayne Dyer
October 22, 2015 · 5:49 pm Wich is the problem? Where does it come from? How to fix it? These are the three points that Dyer touches for each of our... Leggere il seguito
Pubblicato il 22 ottobre 2015 CULTURA, LIBRI -
Paper Town – John Green
October 22, 2015 · 5:45 pm I bought this book because, on the cover, the author is defined as one of the most influent people on this earth. I saw how... Leggere il seguito
Pubblicato il 22 ottobre 2015 CULTURA, LIBRI -
The courage to be yourself – Alessandro Chelo
October 19, 2015 · 6:44 pm Talent trainer, Alessandro Chelo is a coach of several successful managers and has also worked side by side with famous sport... Leggere il seguito
Pubblicato il 19 ottobre 2015 CULTURA, LIBRI -
The Noticer – Andy Andrews
October 17, 2015 · 11:56 am What does the univers want to tell me? This book staied on my shelf for at least four years; my husband had bought it during a... Leggere il seguito
Pubblicato il 17 ottobre 2015 CULTURA, LIBRI -
How to criticize and how to accept criticism – Barbara Berckhan
October 14, 2015 · 3:53 pm This book is a must read one! It teaches two things: How to critizise Is it necessary to criticise? Yes. Do not suppress an... Leggere il seguito
Pubblicato il 14 ottobre 2015 CULTURA, LIBRI