La sfida richiede, infatti, di creare qualsiasi cosa ci ispiri la parola "estate" e questo progetto rappresenta il mio "must have" nella borsa per questa calda stagione!
For me and for my pale skin, the word "summer" means to be sensitive to hot weather and it's a season which I don't tolerate a lot, I prefer the fresh air of fall...and for this reason I want to participate to the "Dream Challenge #7.13" by the Scrap Dreams blog with a very easy and very quick project: an altered handling fan!In fact, the challenge requests to create everything the word "summer" inspire us and this project represents my "must have" in my bag for this hot season!
![Ventaglio alterato per la Ventaglio alterato per la](
Il ventaglio era candido come il latte.
Ho semplicemente ritagliato tante striscioline di questa bellissima carta Toga e le ho incollate sulle strisce di plastica che compongono il manico del ventaglio, ho lasciato il resto volutamente bianco perché mi dà un'idea di frescura che vado sempre cercando in estate :P
The handling fan was pure white like the milk.
I simply cut a lot of little scraps of this beautiful scrap paper by Toga and I glued them onto the plastic part of the grip of the handling fan, I intentionally left the rest in white because it gives me an idea of coolness which I'm always looking for during summer :P