Magazine Decorazione
Credo che una fotografia debba essere capace di dare emozioni anche ritraendo un semplice paio di scarpe da ginnastica... Warhol divenne famoso immortalando un barattolo di zuppa Campbell!
E nulla mi rilassa di più che fermare il Mondo anche se solo per qualche istante.
Buona giornata ragazze Besos Si
How do you feel when you take a picture?
Taken only for a classic with relatives or different photos taken, perhaps objects or moments that no one outside of you can take?
I really like to look for in every object, space or moment the hidden truth, that particular that no one notices until it's been immortalized and is indelible
In the end I believe that photography is born for this ... details and reveal truths that escape the naked eye I believe that a photograph should be able to give emotions also portraying a simple pair of sneakers ...
Warhol became famous immortalizing a can of Campbell's soup! And nothing relaxes me more than to stop the world if only for a moment Have a good day girls Besos Si
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