Magazine Lifestyle
Hello, how are you?
Do not know about you, but even I, who love the winter, I'm sick of these gloomy days,
I feel like the sun, spring warmth and greenery!
Last week, thanks to the only sunny day, I started to arrange a
of my two balconies, dreaming of a garden.
I like the result so much: limon thyme, thyme, marjoram and other rock garden plants, decorative, durable wooden crates and houses for birds, what do you think?
The desire to spring it took me so much that I put paper flowers in glass bottles, plates and seedlings with wood in the house, I love the three on the kitchen windowsill, I would say that they are fake??
Thanks to Tiger for wooden plates, vases zinc, the legendary fabric tape and the birds with polka dots for my Easter tree!
Now I just have to fix the other balcony, when it stops raining!
Have a nice day!!
( Photo by Think Shabby, don't use them without my permission)
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