we LOVE pinko

Creato il 20 ottobre 2012 da Followpix
A proper Pinko-lovers army! Here you are the photos all togheter with followers, readers and friends :) Enjoy all their beautiful outfits too: I always find a lot of inspiration in these "soldiers" ;-D
Un vero e proprio esercito di amanti-di-Pinko! Eccovi le foto di follower, lettrici, e amiche tutte assieme :) Godetevi anche i loro bellissimi look: trovo sempre un sacco di ispirazione in queste "soldatesse" ;-D

With Nicolò, Camilla and Matteo

With Fede, Cecia and Silvia

Pinko girls!

Talking about killing heels with Ginni


With Francesca and Margherita


Un-focused, but the only cute photo togheter :( Niccolò+Ginni+me

With Jessica <3 blue="blue" dress="dress" electric="electric" her="her" in="in" love="love" so="so" td="td" with="with">


I was wearing:
Pinko total look (all the pics of my entire outfit here)

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