Andrea esultante all'arrivo!
The community of sea kayak is full of crazy people and we are lucky enough to know many of them!In these cold winter days one should spend the evening in front of the fireplace... and instead Andres Bolis, member of Sullacqua local association, what does he do? He goes for a paddle all around the Maggiore Lake in North Italy: 81 NM by kayak in 36 hours absolutely alone!He startsd on Thursday night around 23.00 o'clock from Arolo and he paddled south up to Sesto Calende and to north starting from 3.20 o'clock of Friday morning; challenging dense fogs and polar temperatures he went straight up to Switzerland and after a brief stop he reached the destination on Saturady morning at 11.00 o'clock.An exciting and amusing adventure, expecially for the period of the year, the night navigation and the solo paddle. A strong determination of a "damned of the kayak" that we envy him so much!Possono interessarti anche questi articoli :
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