Magazine Lifestyle

WonderFOOD Pitti - I was there

Creato il 23 giugno 2012 da The Travel Eater By Costanza Saglio @CostanzaSaglio

WonderFOOD Pitti - I was there

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012

Come preannunciato ieri, il tema dei saloni pitti di questa stagione era il cibo e il rapporto che questo ha con la terra e con la società. "Il cibo è sulla bocca di tutti", si diceva, giustamente. E in un momento di svolta socioeconomica si torna a guardare a terra, a guardare la terra.
As announced yesterday, the theme of the Pitti halls this season was the food and the relationship this has with the earth and society. "The food is on everyone's lips," thay said, and rightly so. And during a period of socio-economic changes, we return to the ground, watching the land, watching the earth.

WonderFOOD Pitti - I was there

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012

Ciò non ha potuto non destare la mia curiosità e il mio interesse. Moltissime erano le istallazioni con richiami al tema agricolo e alimentare. Dai mercati di frutta e verdura, agli spaventapasseri, ai sacchi di cereali, alla fattoria. Un connubio particolare quello di cibo e moda, ma che forse può essere anche un modo per sensibilizzare circa il conflitto che spesso si crea tra i due.
Vi lascio le fotografie che ho scattato:

This had arouse my curiosity and my interest The installations with references to the theme of agriculture and food were so many. Fruit and vegetable markets, the Scarecrow, the sacks of grain, the farm A particular combination of the food and fashion, that perhaps can also be a way to raise awareness about the conflict that often forms between the two.
I leave the pictures I took:

WonderFOOD Pitti - I was there

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012

WonderFOOD Pitti - I was there

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012

WonderFOOD Pitti - I was there

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012

Non pochi, infine, erano gli stand che verso l'ora di pranzo offrivano qualche sfizioso stuzzichino. Tra quelli assaggiati vince il buffet di Savini Tartufi, azienda toscana, famigliare, storica, di prodotti legati al tartufo.

Not a few, then, were the stands that, towards the lunchtime, were offering some tasty snacks Among those wins the buffet by Savini Tartufi, Tuscan, family, historical, company of products related to truffles

WonderFOOD Pitti - I was there

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012

Ci sono state offerte bruschette con salse di tartufo e olive, tartufo e patate, tartufo e pomodoro e uno strano "frutto": lo scarto del frutto dell'ablicocco, con al posto del nocciolo, una salsa al tartufo. Un gusto davvero particolare, acido e aromatico. Il tutto davvero buono!
We were offered bruschetta with truffle sauce and olives, truffles and potatoes, truffle and tomato and a strange "fruit": the run-out fruit of apricot-tree, with instead of the kernel, a truffle sauce. A very special taste, sour and aromatic. All really good!

WonderFOOD Pitti - I was there

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012

I simpatici addetti al catering mi hanno informata anche del fatto che spesso Savini Tartufi organizza escursioni e tour gastronomici o sportivi seguiti da un buon pranzo.
The friendly caterers informed us of the fact that often Savini Tartufi organizes gourmet tours or excursions and sports followed by a good lunch

WonderFOOD Pitti - I was there

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012

WonderFOOD Pitti - I was there

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012

WonderFOOD Pitti - I was there

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012

WonderFOOD Pitti - I was there

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012

WonderFOOD Pitti - I was there

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012

WonderFOOD Pitti - I was there

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012

WonderFOOD Pitti - I was there

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012

WonderFOOD Pitti - I was there

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 201

 Insomma un PItti eccezionale! molto "divoratore di viaggi", no?
A presto,

In short, a great Pitti! very "travel eater", right?
See you soon,


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