Desidero rinnovarlo e rinnovarmi. Nei post, nella grafica, in tutto !!!
Intanto vi auguro un mega superfantastico weekend !!!
Coming Soon!!!
Intanto vi auguro un mega superfantastico weekend !!!
Hello everyone, how are you doing today?If you are used to follow this blog you already know that I love wearing stripes items.... Leggere il seguito
Con questo caldo e giornate soleggiate viene solo voglia di partire per il mare o fare un tuffo nella piscina più vicina.. Ma se le vacanze sono ancora un... Leggere il seguito
Hello my friends, today I'm gonna tel u a "histoire d'été," a summer's day, when three girls met them dressed in total outfits by Gazél, each to reflect hers... Leggere il seguito
Hello everyone!In the past weeks rain was here again, and we had some very windy and cold days in Naples....they made me want to wear dark shades again! Leggere il seguito
"Something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue “: this is what you will find in Milan from Wednesday , May 27th at the Fonobar – Vini Vinil... Leggere il seguito
As many of you will know, last week I went to a mini cruise with Royal Caribbean. I decided to write a post that stretches a bit 'on how to prepare...what to... Leggere il seguito