Magazine Cucina

Crostata con frolla al cacao e nocciolata RdA / Tart with cocoa shortbread and hazelnut cream by RdA

Da Francy84b

Crostata con frolla al cacao e nocciolata RdA / Tart with cocoa shortbread and hazelnut cream by RdA
Ingredienti:  1 uovo 250 gr di farina 00
5 cucchiai di cacao in polvere 120 g di burro 100 g di zucchero di canna grezzo
1/2 bustina di lievito in polvere
sale 1 vasetto di nocciolata Rigoni di Asiago
mandorle a scaglie
Preparazione: Lavorare la farina con il burro ben ammorbidito e un pizzico di sale. Unire l'uovo e lo zucchero e impastare velocemente formando una palla da rivestire con la pellicola trasparente e mettere in frigo a riposare per almeno 30 minuti. Stendere la pasta con un mattarello. Posizionare la pasta nella tortiera e bucherellare il fondo con i rebbi di una forchetta, poi mettere in forno per 30 minuti a 180°C. Lasciare raffreddare completamente, spalmare la nocciolata e una manciata di mandorle a scaglie.
Ingredients: 1 egg 250 (9 oz) gr all-purpose flour
5 tblspoons of cocoa powder 120 (4 + 1/2 oz)  gr butter 100 (4 oz) gr whole brown sugar 1/2 pack of yeast salt
1 pot of hazelnut cream by Rigoni di Asiago
sliced peeled almonds
Method: Combine the flour with softened butter and a pinch of salt. Add egg and sugar and knead fastly, shape a dough ball to cover with the transparent wrap and refrigerate for 30 minutes into the fridge. Then roll the pastry out 1/2 cm thickness with a rolling pin on the floured working surface. Place the dough into the cake tin and prick with a fork the bottom. Bake for 30 minutes at 356°F. Allow to cool completely, spoon the RdA cream and dust a handful of flaked almonds on the top.
Crostata con frolla al cacao e nocciolata RdA / Tart with cocoa shortbread and hazelnut cream by RdA Crostata con frolla al cacao e nocciolata RdA / Tart with cocoa shortbread and hazelnut cream by RdA Crostata con frolla al cacao e nocciolata RdA / Tart with cocoa shortbread and hazelnut cream by RdA Crostata con frolla al cacao e nocciolata RdA / Tart with cocoa shortbread and hazelnut cream by RdA Crostata con frolla al cacao e nocciolata RdA / Tart with cocoa shortbread and hazelnut cream by RdA Crostata con frolla al cacao e nocciolata RdA / Tart with cocoa shortbread and hazelnut cream by RdA Crostata con frolla al cacao e nocciolata RdA / Tart with cocoa shortbread and hazelnut cream by RdA

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