Magazine Cultura

3 Doors Down - One Light - Video Testo Traduzione

Creato il 12 gennaio 2013 da Lesto82

musica,video,testi,traduzioni,3 doors down,video 3 doors down,testi 3 doors down,traduzioni 3 doors down

E' tempo di bilanci per i 3 Doors Down,il gruppo post-grunge del Mississippi che ha pubblicato lo scorso novembre il "Greatest Hits" di una carriera partita nel 1996 e costellata di dischi di platino fino al 2005.Guardiamo la clip del singolo che lancia la raccolta,ovvero "One Light",lavoro dignitoso per dimostrare di saper ancora ruggire.




Standing humble, a fist of rage
A silent army, they call my name
See that firmly, and not in dismayed
I’m never broken, and I’m not afraid

So come with me, let’s take this world and make a change
And we’ll give this, more than we can take away
And we’ll see this, through eyes we always thought were blind
If we could find, just one light to shine
Just one light to shine

Walls will crumble at our feet
All we know we will finally see
We’ll fight for hoṗe, and we’ll kill this doubt
Angels of war, let me out

Come with me, let’s take this word and make a change
And we’ll give this, more than we can take away
And we’ll see this, through eyes we always thought were blind
If we could find, just one light to shine
Just one light to shine

So come with me, let’s take this word and make a change
And we’ll give this, more than they can take away
And we’ll see this, through eyes we always thought were blind
If we could find, just one light to shine
Just one light to shine



Voto 6/10


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